British Comedy Guide

Writing for Newsjack (aka 7 on 7) Page 57

I sent off a sketch this morning and have yet to receive the auto-reply.

I just sent off some Vox Pops, but I also sent a few one liners yesterday afternoon and had no auto reply yet. Wierd how some weeks I get one, some weeks nothing. Good luck to all (especially those who have submitted each week with no luck yet!)

I've still technically not been rejected from the original 7 On 7 call. I can't wait for the David Mitchell Masterclass!


Just sent some vox pops in. I keep forgetting about this so I always end up rushing something at the last minute.

I did like this one from last week though, even if it wasn't used.

Gordon Brown announced this week he is to unveil his 'policy vision', however it has been criticised for lacking depth.

Quote: Chris Forshaw @ July 6 2009, 12:44 PM BST

Gordon Brown announced this week he is to unveil his 'policy vision', however it has been criticised for lacking depth.

Clever. Funny. Probably too clever.

I got the auto reply. I also lied about not checking this forum for at least half an hour.

Really very happy with the sketch I sent off this morning. If they don't like it, then.... I'll probably have to just think of another one and send it off next week. ;)

Quote: biddyhell @ July 6 2009, 2:04 PM BST

I got the auto reply.

Anyone got a clue why some people are getting this and some people are not?

I got one for episode #2, but nothing last week and nothing in the three hours since I submitted for this week.

I'd hate to think I'm spending an hour or two writing stuff only for it to disappear into the ether after I hit Send.

I sent some stuff in on Sunday and got no auto reply, and I sent in some Vox Pops today but I DID get an auto reply for that lot. It is annoying as I don't know if my first lot got through. I'd suggest emailing them, but the last thing you want to do is come across as a nagger (like I think I did two weeks back!). Come on, just one Newsjack rep - join the forum and put us out of our misery!

If you're worried, stick a delivery and/or read receipt on your email. Then you'll get a mail when it's delivered and one when it's actually read by somebody.

I wouldn't worry though. I'm sure things are getting through and getting read.

You'd more likely get a delivery failure from the system's Postmaster if it failed to get there.


Just got an auto-reply.

But it's impossible to know whether it refers to the sketch I submitted this morning or the one-liners I sent fifteen minutes ago or both.

What a headf**k.

Quote: ForzaCarra @ July 6 2009, 2:48 PM BST

I'd suggest emailing them, but the last thing you want to do is come across as a nagger (like I think I did two weeks back!).

I'm sure the BBC is both able to spell and not racist.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ July 6 2009, 4:24 PM BST

Just got an auto-reply.

But it's impossible to know whether it refers to the sketch I submitted this morning or the one-liners I sent fifteen minutes ago or both.

What a headf**k.

I sent off a sketch and vox pops separately (don't ask me why) and I got two auto replies. They were quite delayed so I'd keep checking if I were you.

Did something unusual - sent off three versions of the same vox pops this week, as I couldn't decide which was funnier, and all the other topics I thought of were rubbish... :D

Quote: sootyj @ July 6 2009, 4:28 PM BST

I'm sure the BBC is both able to spell and not racist.

You never know!

I've been getting the auto replies almost immediately each time but then I usually send mine in by Sunday. I imagine the 'traffic' is pretty high Monday morning which may affect the auto reply service?

I think I've sent my best sketches so far this week but I doubt I'm alone in that as people get used to the format etc so I won't hold my breath. I've found it a great exercise and incentive to keep at sketches anyway.

Good luck to everyone on here again this week. I think they should let us have a BCG only week.


I would appear to be the exception that proves the rule then for I've sent material now on 4 consecutive weeks and had nothing back - be it auto or otherwise.

Weird because in the past on other shows and comps I have always seem to get the auto responses for material that has been used and material that has been (ahem)ignored too.

Bah! :( :(

*shuffles around miserably wracked with self-doubt and paranoia*

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