British Comedy Guide

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I agree, its total excrement. I was saying I can't believe I've never seen this because we had about a 2 year period where it was on constantly. I watched it to validate my opinion that M. Night Shamalamadingdong's movies are all awful except for Sixth Sense.

In Bruge is funny and dark and violent and has a punchline!

Quote: Rob H @ July 4 2009, 11:13 PM BST

Is it any good? I want to see it, but realised after Troy that I am allergic to Colin Farrell in anything which isn't Phone Booth.

I'm sure it's awesome, but I was too tired to concentrate. :(

In Bruges is a great film. It's very subtle.

Shooting Stars.

Quote: Griff @ July 5 2009, 12:11 AM BST

I also wasn't surprised to learn it has a lot of similarities to a Pinter play, The Dumb Waiter.

Oh no it isn't.

Laughing out loud only joking.

Quote: AndreaLynne @ July 5 2009, 12:08 AM BST

In Bruges is a great film. It's very subtle.

I watched it not long ago, can't remember if I liked it or not though? A bit slow, maybe? Yes, I dare say that Cool

The scary bit on Total Recall.

Quote: zooo @ July 5 2009, 12:32 AM BST

The scary bit on Total Recall.

Arnie's acting?

That too.
The bit where he's disguised as the fat woman and her head comes off.

Quote: zooo @ July 5 2009, 12:35 AM BST

That too.
The bit where he's disguised as the fat woman and her head comes off.

like a Terry's Chocolate Orange.

Quote: zooo @ July 5 2009, 12:35 AM BST

That too.
The bit where he's disguised as the fat woman and her head comes off.

That was my second guess, I thought the woman herself was scarier. Those big bulging eyes! Errr

Whole sequence bloody terrifying!

True Blood -- this show is fantastic!!!!

Quote: Nil Putters @ July 5 2009, 12:34 AM BST

Arnie's acting?

Unimpressed If acting talent was a prerequisite for being an actor 80% of A listers would be outta work.

Total Recall is a brilliant film btw

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