Wednesday 1st July 2009 4:41pm
36,464 posts
Quote: Lee Henman @ July 1 2009, 1:27 PM BST
At the cinema, which arm rest is yours?
A more serious one to ponder:
If God knows everything, did he know exactly how humans were going to turn out when he created them?
If he did, then why does he get angry at us when we screw up...after all, he knew all along what was going to happen...he's God!
If he didn't, then that makes God not quite as all-seeing as we were led to believe, which makes him fallible. Which is unnacceptable to Christians. So what's the deal?
I just know somebody's going to come back with the "God gave free will to man" line but that's not the question. What I'm saying is, even if God DID give Man free will, he still MUST HAVE KNOWN how we were going to turn out in the future, because he's God.
God isn't even a possibility, or, without contradicting myself; there are so many possibilities as to the explanation of why we are here, the chance that we were created by a God has to be so small; that it isn't even worth thinking about. Might as well ponder if Donald Duck was god, the clues are there, if you look hard enough. Daffy Duck being the anti-Christ, of course.