Wednesday 1st July 2009 9:42pm
Royal Berkshire
69,985 posts
Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop at Large @ July 1 2009, 5:14 PM BST
Bizzarely, Molly seems to be able to sense sometimes that I'm going to have one. She tries to alert me and sticks to me like glue. She also bizzarely has a habit of "bringing me out". She'll nudge me and according to everyone, within seconds I start to come around. It's very spooky.
Dogs can sense epilepsy. Normally they need special training though. You got a good one there, evidently.
Quote: Tim Walker @ July 1 2009, 5:24 PM BST
Sounds (at worst) a variant of a petit mal, though it's more likely to be a benign, normal neurophysiological variant. Most likely a form of innocent neuromuscular fasciculation, which is more common when one it tired/just waking/just about to go to sleep.
Wouldn't worry about mentioning it to your doctor (if it's causing you ongoing distress) as, even were it to be investigated it would unlikely have implications for driving. Driving limitations are established on the basis of grand-mal (tonic-clonic) seizures, petit mal variants known as "absence seizures" and certain types of temporal lobe epilepsy.
As I say, most likely benign and non-epileptiform.
Well, I'll go with my neurologist's opinion that it's another form of mini-seizure I developed. But interesting take on it nonetheless!
Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop at Large @ July 1 2009, 5:27 PM BST
I do know that in some cases they do allow you to drive providing you can prove it's under control and that you have gone 18 months without an attack.
IIRC, it's actually come down to 12 months recently.
I think I'm elligible again now, actually. Hm.
Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop at Large @ July 1 2009, 5:53 PM BST
I have had to change hospitals recently because the one I was with before (for the epilespy and the BDD) was to be honest, crap. I am finally with a hospital where I don't feel I am gonna get herpes from the machine bought tea and I'm spoken to like a human being. My bloods was the first thing they did because my dad is diabetic but nothing showed up so it was EEG next which I had to do more than once because they kept saying it was inconclusive. I think they just had trouble locating my brain!
Is that all? Pah! You lucky thing. I've had every test under the sun. Numerous times.
They make me get up before I go to bed and work 27 hours a day and everything.