British Comedy Guide

What are you watching on TV? Page 848

Sounds good.

Top Gear was awesome. I love the challenges. Funniest stuff on TV. The production team really should be challenged with producing a sitcom.

Someone get on to Micheal about that...

Quote: Badge @ June 28 2009, 9:09 PM BST

Brazil outplaying USA at football.

I hear it ended badly. And thus ends the only match of the year that I'll be even vaguely aware of.

Quote: DaButt @ June 28 2009, 9:41 PM BST

I hear it ended badly. And thus ends the only match of the year that I'll be even vaguely aware of.

Game of two halves.

Does this mean you're giving the European under-21 final a miss tomorrow night? ;)

Quote: Badge @ June 28 2009, 11:18 PM BST

Does this mean you're giving the European under-21 final a miss tomorrow night? ;)

I think I'll miss any match that doesn't include a national holiday. :)

Glastonbury. Isn't Jo Whiley an old dog!

I hate her.
I don't think she has an actual personality, her entire self is made up of clothes/words/opinions that she thinks cool people will think are cool.

Quote: Chappers @ June 28 2009, 11:57 PM BST

Glastonbury. Isn't Jo Whiley an old dog!

Having no knowledge of her whatsoever (in all senses of the word!) I Googled.

Yes she is, big time !

Jo Whiley's all right. No great shakes, but not worthy of hate. Plus hasn't she got a disabled sibling? That can be tough, growing up.

She wouldn't know any different.

She doesn't annoy me, but can sometimes bore.

her sister had no sense of danger, suffered from outbursts and temper tantrums, obsessive behaviour and a short attention span


I remember when Radio 1 had a cull of all its older DJs in the '90s.
I think it's probably about time for another one.

Just watching Psychoville on iPlayer on my lunch break, but it keeps crashing, which is strange because the internet at work is really good normally.

Quote: zooo @ June 29 2009, 2:14 PM BST


I remember when Radio 1 had a cull of all its older DJs in the '90s.
I think it's probably about time for another one.

And Replace them with who?

Nick Grimshaw? Annie Mack.. Hell would be a nicer alternative. :D

I don't listen to Radio 1, so I couldn't care less!
But she's a good 45 and it just shouldn't be allowed. ;)

Oh god, she'd move to Radio 2! Forget the whole thing, Radio 1 should definitely keep her.

Quote: zooo @ June 29 2009, 12:01 AM BST

I don't think she has an actual personality, her entire self is made up of clothes/words/opinions that she thinks cool people will think are cool.

I've thought this for about ten years

Quote: zooo @ June 29 2009, 2:14 PM BST


I remember when Radio 1 had a cull of all its older DJs in the '90s.
I think it's probably about time for another one.

I've just seen a picture of Greg James - he needs to bugger off back to school before his headmaster finds out he's been bunking off.

Road wars - Devon and Cornwall special on sky. Seeing if I can spot the neighbours.

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