She also uses them to do the edges of pie crusts!
Seriously though, for you guys and gals out there who may not have done well, don't panic. I left school with not very many GCSE's (And the ones I had sucked) which broke my confidence a lot. I was actually an undianosed dsylexic which didn't help along with all the classes I skipped! I hated school and it really hated me (I was bullied because I was very overweight and my teachers had just decided I was thick. In fact, because of my size and the fact I was clumsy, some even decided I was "slow") and yet I'm the only one out of my whole class who went onto university. In fact, I was the only girl not to have children before I was 18! Plus I can now see my toes after dropping during uni a massive 8st. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't be anything you want to be. If you are determined enough, you can do anything you want.