That's awful. I hope there isn't any lasting damage.
Scum Page 2
It's the people who stand by and do nothing that gets me.
Quote: bigfella @ June 28 2009, 4:28 PM BSTI've said it before, drink is a massive problem in this country - the desire to get pissed! I've been there and done it, but have hardly touch a drop for ten years. When your pissed you don't know what your're doing half the time. So that needs sorting out as well - hammer up the price of booze, increase the legal age to 21.
Don't be so hasty.
Americans drink a lot, but we don't have as big a problem with public intoxication. Most of our drink-related crimes are for DUI, mainly because we don't usually have a pub or bar within walking distance of our homes. Your laws need to target people who are drunk and disorderly in public. Loud behavior, fighting and urinating in the street should be grounds for arrest. Americans know that cops will arrest them for such acts, so it doesn't happen all that often.
Americans also have a healthy fear/respect for cops and the law. We know we'll get arrested and thrown in jail for breaking the law, so we tend to moderate our behavior. There doesn't seem to be as much fear/respect for cops and jail in the UK.
Quote: DaButt @ June 28 2009, 4:49 PM BSTDon't be so hasty.
Americans drink a lot, but we don't have as big a problem with public intoxication. Most of our drink-related crimes are for DUI, mainly because we don't usually have a pub or bar within walking distance of our homes. Your laws need to target people who are drunk and disorderly in public. Loud behavior, fighting and urinating in the street should be grounds for arrest. Americans know that cops will arrest them for such acts, so it doesn't happen all that often.
Americans also have a healthy fear/respect for cops and the law. We know we'll get arrested and thrown in jail for breaking the law, so we tend to moderate our behavior. There doesn't seem to be as much fear/respect for cops and jail in the UK.
We have those laws - but nothing happens!
There is little respect for anything anymore.....
Quote: bigfella @ June 28 2009, 4:38 PM BSTYes but I want them breaking rocks!
Solitary is important - they share their criminal ways otherwise.
Prison should be an EXTREMELY unpleasant place to be. Society needs to understand that there are people who will never be able to fit in with the peaceful folk and they need to be locked away. You wind up with a prison subculture that has a life of its own and it ain't pretty, but I'd rather have them behind bars than in my neighborhood.
Let's punish ignorance welfare benefits forms should be produced in latin, Alcopops should only be legally bought with iambic pentameter.
Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop at Large @ June 28 2009, 4:38 PM BSTIt's the people who stand by and do nothing that gets me.
People walked past when I was attacked. 'Bystander Intervention' I believe is the Psychologist's explanation.
My husband wanted to beat my attacker but was warned he would be arrested if he went near him. The sentence for the attack was being bound over to keep the peace for a year. The law is an ass.
My nephew, who has dark skin, was punched in the face whilst sitting in his car in a car park, waiting to pick up a friend, because he was wasn't British. He was born here and has lived here all his life. He has partial vision as a result.
As for the Police - they have a really tough time, struggling with lack of manpower, lack of training, the requirement to do so much paperwork etc. A local policeman was the sole trained officer covering 30 parishes over a weekend recently. He has been sent to lifethreatening situations where backup should be guaranteed but was not available.
I agree that it is Government responsibility, which should then filter down to local level, but where they would even start to turn this terrible situation around I just don't know.
Quote: bigfella @ June 28 2009, 4:54 PM BSTWe have those laws - but nothing happens!
Sounds like your government has gone all soft and touchy-feely. The people need to demand that the cops enforce the laws and clean up the streets. Build more prisons, if necessary.
Quote: DaButt @ June 28 2009, 4:56 PM BSTPrison should be an EXTREMELY unpleasant place to be. Society needs to understand that there are people who will never be able to fit in with the peaceful folk and they need to be locked away. You wind up with a prison subculture that has a life of its own and it ain't pretty, but I'd rather have them behind bars than in my neighborhood.
In the US prisons are now smoke free (well tobacco is just like anyother drug), but in the UK smoking in cells is still permited. If you needed any more evidence of where things are going wrong.
I worked in kids homes briefly and the culture of entitlement mixed with fear of accusation of abuse and fear of expressing affection to the kids.
They were in my experience like sociopath producing factories.
Quote: DaButt @ June 28 2009, 4:58 PM BSTSounds like your government has gone all soft and touchy-feely. The people need to demand that the cops enforce the laws and clean up the streets. Build more prisons, if necessary.
Titan prisons, along with aircraft carriers, NHS computer systems and public toilets are all on the never never.
Aparently the government has built loads of Sure Start centres for new mums and gives them free fruit.
Yay f**king yay.
Quote: DaButt @ June 28 2009, 4:58 PM BSTSounds like your government has gone all soft and touchy-feely. The people need to demand that the cops enforce the laws and clean up the streets. Build more prisons, if necessary.
Build more prisons?
Not here my friend - no one wants a bunch of criminals on their doorstep!
Quote: DaButt @ June 28 2009, 4:56 PM BSTPrison should be an EXTREMELY unpleasant place to be. Society needs to understand that there are people who will never be able to fit in with the peaceful folk and they need to be locked away. You wind up with a prison subculture that has a life of its own and it ain't pretty, but I'd rather have them behind bars than in my neighborhood.
I agree with that.
Even though I'm normally a big old lefty liberal.
I'm a fan of the Arizona sheriff who makes the inmates wear pink underwear, serves them green bologna and houses them in tents in the desert. "If it's good enough for our troops in Iraq..."

Quote: DaButt @ June 28 2009, 5:03 PM BSTI'm a fan of the Arizona sheriff who makes the inmates wear pink underwear, serves them green bologna and houses them in tents in the desert. "If it's good enough for our troops in Iraq..."
No, we like to send ours to Disney Land and teach them pottery and stuff!
Quote: DaButt @ June 28 2009, 4:18 PM BSTWTF? You guys need better cops.
The cops aren't the problem. It's the ridiculous liberal offender-is-the-victim laws.
I dunno I saw Pierrpoint and that didn't half look like justice to me.
The police are stuck carrying out ridiculous arrest sweeps to make up the numbers for ridiculous centrally set targets.
Ooh you caught another dozen students with dope, by placing a dozen officers and a dog at the tube station near the college. I do feel safe.