Saturday 18th August 2007 11:06pm [Edited]
1,172 posts
This is why I hate A Fish Called Wanda:
First of all, John Cleese is barely in it for half an hour.
Michael Palin's stammer wasn't funny. Arkwright got it right with a stutter, but a stammer just isn't funny. It's overstepping the mark.
Thirdly, and most serious of all, is the swearing. As soon as I heard characters utter such horrific expletives, then it's gone from funny to deadly, deadly serious. Now I'm talking about the F-word here. John Cleese is better than that and doesn't need to resort to such bad language. Every single character in it said the F-word at least once and the major players said it countless times. It was uncalled for and just plain unfunny. If there were no F-words, it wouldn't have been a 15 (should have been an 18, IMHO) and could have been seen by millions of more people. Added to which, Cleese went through the whole of Fawlty Towers without saying it!