British Comedy Guide



CLOSE UP OF MAN 1: (thinking)

No gung-ho stuff.. yet. I'll play it safe, move my bishop in to cover my knight. Hmmm.. here goes. Yep, everything seems ok. Shit! How did I miss that? If he moves his rook he'll get a foothold. Damn, he's put his finger on the rook. Oh, he's took it off, playing it safe, where the hell's he going? The king, he's going to castle. What a wuss, we'll be here all night. F**k me, he's knocked his king over, he's resigned. Ewww!

MAN 2:
So sorry about that, it's my leprosy.


Made me laugh. Nice one, Nigel.

I envy your ability to do short and sharp. Very good, although I'd have maybe kept it to the first man thinking "Eww. That's the last time I play with a leper." And then cut to the finger. Mainly just to keep it all internal thought.

But this is great.

The dialogue was very funny and funnier then punchline.

Reading again Nigel. I wouldn't have the leper mention his disease. Perhaps add more visuals. ie. He stands up and something else falls off.

If you get to recording stage I think I would cut it down a bit.

The rook. No. Not the rook.
The king. but. king to castle. God that is safe.
What the.
Oh my.


Unless I'm missing something, I didn't really get it. There's a bloke stressing over what move his opponent is going to make, but then his opponents finger falls off because he's a leper? I don't understand what the joke is. Other than that the man has leprosy.

I'd echo Matthew.

Leprosy doesn't cause parts of the body to fall off. MAN 2 might as well say: "So sorry about that, it's because I'm gay."

Maybe if he had a poo on the board?

Quote: sootyj @ June 25 2009, 9:51 AM BST

Maybe if he had a poo on the board?

What a shit suggestion.

The gag was the man thinks the opponent has capitulated by knocking over his king but it's a falling finger that he sees, not a king.

Reminds me of the leper playing cards. He threw his hand in.


Yeah, I didn't really get it either.


Didn't get the joke. Nigel, care to explain?

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