So, there's this big flurry of activity last week and now I'm waiting on 5 - count 'em - 5 people to get back about stuff.
Consequently I'm now completely blocked.
Billy bollocks!
So, there's this big flurry of activity last week and now I'm waiting on 5 - count 'em - 5 people to get back about stuff.
Consequently I'm now completely blocked.
Billy bollocks!
I know the feeling, Every time the phone rings I think its my agent telling me I'm about to be a millionaire.
But it's normally just another debt collector.
Waiting is the hardest.
Who waits? Just shift over to another project.
While working on one project brainstorm another during breaks or slow periods. That way, you always have something ready to start cooking while the others simmer on somebody's desk.
Quote: SlagA @ June 22 2009, 10:38 PM BSTWho waits? Just shift over to another project.
While working on one project brainstorm another during breaks or slow periods. That way, you always have something ready to start cooking while the others simmer on somebody's desk.
You know, this whole 'being really encouraging' & 'having a good word to say about everyone' thing wears a bit thin after a while.
As ever, sound advice from the Slags - now I've just got to follow it!
Don't worry about being blocked. Just treat it as a 'head holiday' do some gardening, go to the zoo. you've got FIVE things out there.
Another idea will be along soon.
Jdubya's advice is much better though, Laz. That's what real people do after a project, they have lives 'out there.'
Anyone else think it would have been funny if no-one had replied to this thread?
Quote: Badge @ June 22 2009, 11:51 PM BSTAnyone else think it would have been funny if no-one had replied to this thread?
Yup. Or if someone had written: "Thank you for your message. We have lots of threads on BCG to get through, but we will endeavour to reply as soon as possible. Though of course, given the volume of interesting comedy-related stuff to view, this cannot be guaranteed."
Or perhaps:
"Though of course, given the volume of interesting comedy-related stuff to view, we cannot offer feedback of every post."
I just get on with the next project, but of course, I'm fortunate enough never to get writers block at all.
I always have a number of projects waiting in a long queue.
I thought of a new screenplay idea this morning. I kind of dreamt a bit of it, then, during a wake-up coffee or two, I structured the general storyline.
OOER. sorry if the above sounded a bit cocky. I wasn't meant to be.
I'm waiting on a number of replies too.
I spent most of last summer waiting. Foolishly I didn't dare think about new projects as I wanted to save all my best ideas for the sitcom I had in development. When it was chucked out, at Christmas, the only positive thing I'd achieved was to paint the windows on the front of my house. Then I was on the back foot, trying to find another project to make the most of the possitive feedback from the BBC commissioner. Which has taken until now (subject to meeting with producer on Friday.)
I plan holidays, parties or getting new pets to make the time go quicker. Oh and do lots of internet shopping.
I like the waiting. It's a time pregnant with possibility.
I feel youse guys's pain. I've been waiting 16 days for notes on a sitcom pilot. Wouldn't mind so much but every day that passes is another day I can't work on it before the second draft deadline.
Feel a bit like a teenager waiting for exam results.