British Comedy Guide

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Also looks like an excellent excuse to get a new car for the new series. Phew. :)

Quote: Aaron @ June 21 2009, 9:12 PM BST

Also looks like an excellent excuse to get a new car for the new series. Phew. :)

I thought they were going to kill him off like black Stig.

Quote: Gavin @ June 21 2009, 9:09 PM BST

NIL! How do big man Julia have a good birthday?

Good me old mucker. You? I believe she thoroughly enjoyed herself thanks. :)

I had a feeling it'd be a revelation of Schumacher being an imposter rather than killing him off, buttt I had suspected it to come in more the form of the 'real' Stig appearing in the studio at the same time as MS, and discrediting his claim somehow.

Schumacher was there because it was him driving the Ferrari. I bet he was the only one they trusted with it.

Quote: bigfella @ June 21 2009, 9:22 PM BST

Schumacher was there because it was him driving the Ferrari. I bet he was the only one they trusted with it.

Aye. The whole device of 'the Stig' is because some companies will insist on their own trained drivers, and a host of different faces appearing each week would just be cold and disconnected from the viewer. By putting them in costume you can claim they're the same person. Excellent work on the part of the production crew, IMO.

The Last King of Scotland. Very good, and hugely exciting towards the end. And Gillian Anderson does a very good English accent.

Last night I watched the first episode of Freaks And Geeks, and very good it was too.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 22 2009, 1:54 PM BST

Last night I watched the first episode of Freaks And Geeks, and very good it was too.

It's one of my favourites. It somehow makes me pine for the Michigan schooldays I never had.

The Supersizers Eat Medieval.:D

Watching Jon and Kate of "Jon and Kate Plus 8" do their big divorce show.

Will & Grace

Sykes - S02E07 - Fancy Dress. :D

Pimp My Ride - aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggh

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