Chipolata's just been feeding some lovely young birds with crusts off his sandwiches.
Status report Page 772
Quote: chipolata @ June 17 2009, 10:07 AM BSTChipolata's just been feeding some lovely young birds with crusts off his sandwiches.
I thought she came in on a Thursday. Arf! and, indeed, Arf!
Quote: john lucas 101 @ June 17 2009, 10:10 AM BSTI thought she came in on a Thursday. Arf! and, indeed, Arf!
(Do you really think crusts would work on her?)
Quote: chipolata @ June 17 2009, 10:18 AM BST
(Do you really think crusts would work on her?)
Well it is said that crusts turn your hair curly. She'd probably welcome some curly hair...
Robyn is dooooone!
Elliot is not. Aaron is definitely preparing some sort of joke about Robyn's last post.
I'm always on the flunky end of jokes, so
Ah Bliss.... Vroom, Vroom..
I seem to have finally found what was causing my recent frustrating problems with my classic Lotus Elan sports car.
A tiny bit of rubber/plastic blocking the petrol feed to one of the carburettors.
I went for a lovely drive around yesterday,
Vroom Vroom...
Mind you she is still reluctant to start when cold & oddly needs me to hotwire the starter solenoid to start.
It doesn't make sense, but empirically that works..
Quote: PhQnix @ June 17 2009, 4:10 PM BSTElliot is not.
if you hadn't wrote that you would have been fine but now you get this sort of response.
WOOO! you keep em coming back for Elliot!! Eh! You know what I mean?!
Installing the new 3.0 software on my iPhone. I can't believe it took Apple 2 years to offer copy/cut/paste on their device.
Quote: DaButt @ June 17 2009, 8:14 PM BSTInstalling the new 3.0 software on my iPhone. I can't believe it took Apple 2 years to offer copy/cut/paste on their device.
I f**king can...
Paul really should be working on getting his pay rise on friday instead of insulting Apple on a forum.
Quote: Paul W @ June 17 2009, 8:19 PM BSTI f**king can...
Paul really should be working on getting his pay rise on friday instead of insulting Apple on a forum.