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Laptop, so tooootally buggered. :(

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ June 16 2009, 1:53 PM BST

Laptop, so tooootally buggered. :(

That sucks but you can still use an external keyboard and it should work fine. My friend uses one because he find his laptop keyboard uncomfortable.

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ June 16 2009, 1:53 PM BST

Laptop, so tooootally buggered. :(

Do you need it for anything important now? Aren't your exams finished?

I have another one tomorrow, and mum's half fixed it now so one side works. It's frustrating that the other doesn't, but it's better than nothing.

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ June 16 2009, 2:17 PM BST

I have another one tomorrow, and mum's half fixed it now so one side works.

Has it had a stroke???

I tend to tap rather than caress it, but you probably would find keyboards sexy. ;)

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ June 16 2009, 3:26 PM BST

I tend to tap rather than caress it, but you probably would find keyboards sexy. ;)

What am I, the BCG whipping boy? Teary

Quote: chipolata @ June 16 2009, 3:28 PM BST

What am I, the BCG whipping boy? Teary

You bloody love it! Getting the whip from off young ladies.

Quote: john lucas 101 @ June 16 2009, 3:30 PM BST

You bloody love it! Getting the whip from off young ladies.

:) I do! But if I pretend I don't they'll carry on!

Meanwhile in other news, I wish some twat would win £25 million and not let it change their life in any way:

Why do people do the lottery if they don't want to change their lives? Losers. Even if they are winners. Losers.

Well, does winning £10 change your life often?

What's the point of being rich
If you don't know what to do with it?
Cos you're so bleeding thick...

Sir Jarvis Cocker.

Yeah, but you don't do it to win a tenner.

Though having said that, I'd have won a tenner on Saturday if the machine had been working when went into the shop. Gits.

*shakes fist*

Quote: Leevil @ June 16 2009, 3:43 PM BST

*shakes fist*

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