An Australian man has been convicted in the New South Wales Supreme Court of the heinous crime of possessing child pornography on his computer. He was fined 3000 dollars and bound over for two years. Scumbag deserved all he got, right?
Well yeah - until you hear the rest of the story. The "child pornography" images on his computer were actually drawings of kids. Still disgusted?
How about if they were drawings of the Simpsons? With Millhouse bonking Lisa etc. The High Court judge decided that by accepting a person may be real or imaginary, and may be depicted by drawing then "a cartoon character might well constitute the depiction of such a person". So now this guy is a convicted pedo and will have that stigma for the rest of his life.
My question is - have you seen these rude Simpsons pics? Had them on your computer? Because I have. They were flying around email boxes like nobody's business back in the day, and were always seen as a gag - a tasteless joke to be forwarded on to your mates. So in the Australian High Court's eyes, not only am I also a filthy paedo but millions of other internet users are too.
story here: