British Comedy Guide

Writing for Newsjack (aka 7 on 7) Page 26

Well I've just sent two sketches in. I had forgotten how tough topical comedy writing was! Now I have to do the 'try not to think about it' dance until Thursday.

Good luck everyone.

Topical's easy.

Topical that isn't full of swear words, libellous references to homosexuality and excrement that's hard.

Back to the bubbling sewer that is my topical writing.

Quote: sootyj @ June 14 2009, 4:13 PM BST

Topical's easy.

FUNNY topical isn't quite so easy though.

Ditto slogging away at Newsjack like a porridge-faced cave-dweller when outside it is a glorious sunny day.

Still, it'll be worth it for the 25p cheque and the eleven listeners.

Yes, good luck to everyone. Although obviously wishing myself a bit more good luck than everyone else.

I'm giving it a go, but topical isn't really my thing, I don't expect to actually get anything on. The very idea of writing a sketch featuring Gordon Brown fills me with a kind of horror.

Nonsense I never tired of George Bush is a stupid cowboy jokes or Gordon Brown is a mean Scotsman who probably says crivens.

And neither aparently did the fans of Heads. See it's all about being completely unoriginal and totally predictable.

And making sure you use lots of rude words and school yard rudeness.

Quote: sootyj @ June 14 2009, 4:22 PM BST

Nonsense I never tired of George Bush is a stupid cowboy jokes or Gordon Brown is a mean Scotsman who probably says crivens.


I think Newsjack did actually have GB saying "Crivens" in the pilot episode.

I think Private Eye did the "Gordon Brown" = "Oor Wullie" / "The Broons" thing first, but it does seem to suit him.

Maybe one could switch them around?

Barack Obama is a moody one scots president, Gordon Brown's missus pays for porn, President Almjilabad is funky and plays basketball.

Send 'em in and let us know how it works out.

I have so little success with the BBC I may just send them a picture I draw of a cat.

I think my tactic here is to steer away from writing about any of the main stories, as everyone will be, and so going for more general stuff. A tactic that will no doubt prove fruitless.

Quote: sootyj @ June 14 2009, 4:30 PM BST

I have so little success with the BBC I may just send them a picture I draw of a cat.

That might have got you somewhere if Tony Hart wasn't dead.

Tony Hart never real was into topical stuff.
Except the infamous episode where he made an effigy of Thatcher out of his own excrement and burned it.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 14 2009, 4:32 PM BST

I think my tactic here is to steer away from writing about any of the main stories, as everyone will be, and so going for more general stuff. A tactic that will no doubt prove fruitless.

It's a good strategy though. That way you're not competing with the hundreds of others writing about Katie and Peter or Britain's Got Talent.

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