I thought as this is a web community, you would be ideal in answering this question.
As some of you might have already read, I am doing a piece on the friends we add to social network sites. I want to ask everyone here to answer a hypothetical question.
You are looking at your account on myspace/facebook/bebo/twitter/any social network site of your choice.
You have 200 "friends".
Let's say 40 of them are people you know in real life. Family and loved ones, friends, work collegues, etc.
Another 30 you talk to online a lot through forums like this and MSN.
Let's throw into that 15 people you at least email once a month.
That leaves 115 "friends" you never speak to or have spoken to since they were added.
Can you delete them all straight away, yes or no? Please give a reason why, it would help me a lot.