Tuesday 9th June 2009 9:57pm
2,727 posts
Quote: Mikey Jackson @ June 7 2009, 9:24 PM BST
He gave me a LOT (several paragraphs) of feedback
Quote: Badge @ June 9 2009, 12:06 AM BST
Jan gave me honest and useful feedback
Quote: Ladma @ June 8 2009, 10:24 PM BST
He's very knowledgeable and gives very good feedback
Quote: swerytd @ June 9 2009, 8:48 AM BST
Yeah, he gave me a lot of feedback
Quote: Jane P @ June 9 2009, 12:29 PM BST
He gave useful feedback
Why not recycle all this Feedback? In most public places there are Feedback recycling containers right next to the garbage containers. Additionally, most people like to recycle Feedback because it can be useful in boosting flagging egos. The push to recycle Feedback came from the fact that so many wannabe writers at the bottom of the ladder were dumping surplus Feedback on each other in Comedy Critique Forums. It was becoming a horrible eye-sore and Feedback takes forever to break down. Recycling Feedback also helps to save lives of suicidal wannabe comedy writers – however, this must be positive Feedback, otherwise the wannabe is liable to reach for the rope and rickety chair. When Feedback is recycled, it is broken down and shipped off to 'Jan, Jan The Feedback Man', who redistributes it to wannabes languishing at the bottom of the comedy food chain. Recycling Feedback is something that every wannabe comedy writer should be doing. There really is no excuse not to. Incidentally, my local grocer is working on a really super sitcom, 'Funny Friends Flat-sharing' – he accepts my positive feedback as cash. I can't praise him enough!