Saturday 6th June 2009 6:27pm
1,513 posts
I love how we British just love to talk about the weather, especially when used as small talk in arkward situations.
For instance, waiting to pad your pin number in the machine whilst waiting to pay at the checkout or in a shop.
I would NEVER instigate the dreadful weather small talk ARKWARDNESS in those situations, now I make it a habit to just completly make shit up just to amuse myself.
CASHIER: Oh, it's lovely today, hopefully it'll stay like this, im going camping at the weekend.
ME: Ah,that's a shame-Michael Fish just said it's gonna piss it down and it's going to totally ruin everybody's weekend....(taking reciept) thanks...bye.
Or when I was younger, people were mad for it a bus stops.
I walk up, the arkwardness begins, no bus.
A stranger says 'Oh, its horrible today, going to rain this afternoon'
'OH GOOD, I love standing in the rain until I turn purple'