NOTE: Yahweh is the name of the deity in Judaism and Christianity
INT: An office, with a man in a suit on one side of the desk.
In walks another man in a suit, the man already in the room stands up to greet him.
Boss: Hi Yahweh
Yahweh: Hi, Nice to meet you
Boss: Nice to meet you, have a seat
Yahweh: Thanks
(Both sit down on opposite sides of the desk)
Boss: (Looking down at papers) so…you've applied for the position of God
Yahweh: Yes, that's correct
Boss: (Looks puzzled) Bit hairy aren't you?
Yahweh: Well it's all the rage, Santa Claus.....Billy Connolly.....Susan Boyle
Boss: Susan Boyle doesn't exist yet
Yahweh: Oh yeah, that's right, this is 3000 B.C. isn't it, the dawn of time (winks)
Boss: You've been doing your research. Okay, well the hair is not important, what is important is that you have the right skills to fulfil this position. Most importantly benevolence. You must be all loving.
Yahweh: Yes, about that, I did take the course when I was doing my A-levels, but I never actually got the certificate, something to do with an irresponsible use of locusts, but to be honest I find it easy, I could be benevolent with my eyes shut. In fact more often that not I will be benevolent with my eyes shut.
Boss: Erm…okay, well lets move on. Omnipotency is obviously another important skill.
Yahweh: (interrupting) oh of course it is, I don't mean to show off in an interview but saying I'm not bad at omnipotency would be a bit of an understatement.
Boss: Okay that's good, because we need you to create a universe in a nano-second, can you manage that?
Yahweh: Aah…okay when you said omnipotent I thought you meant, like, powerful, but not ridiculously
Boss: Well what did you think omnipotence was?
Yahweh: Oh no I knew it meant all powerful, but I didn't realise you meant, like, actually all powerful. I mean I can do universes quickly, just not that quickly. 6 days is my personal best, well 7 if you include tea breaks.
Boss: Well we really need it up and running straight away, there are many other candidates.
Yahweh: You're asking a lot there, I doubt you'll find anyone who can do it quicker than a week. A week is good though, in this climate a week isn't bad, you could do a lot worse.
Boss: Well I suppose it isn't dreadful. Now finally, this is the most important aspect of the role.
Yahweh: (interrupting again) don't say, I know what it is. Making my face appear in people's toast. Don't you worry about that my friend, I can do that with my hands tied behind my back.
Boss: (Looking bewildered) erm…okay, I'm not quite sure that's what people will be expecting of their God.
Yahweh: Oh no, trust me, they will be, even the most vague face like burn will be ascribed to my influence don't you worry about that. I know how people tick
Boss: Do people tick?
Yahweh: If I say so
Boss: Well you did say so
Yahweh: Oh, well…erm…they don't
Boss: Good use of inconsistency there, just what we're looking for. Well obviously I need to see all of the other candidates, but I think I can say you're going to fit in here. (Stands up to show Yahweh out)
Yahweh: (standing up as well) Okie dokie, I'll look forward to hearing from you soon.
(Boss opens the door to see a waiting room full of people; Allah, Zeus, Thaw, Apollo etc)
Boss: (Turns to Yahweh) Oh I forgot to ask, would you be willing to take a job share?