Wednesday 3rd June 2009 12:49pm
31,431 posts
Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 3 2009, 9:09 AM BST
They would be wrong though, it seems to generally be said by people who don't like him and don't want to give him the credit he deserves as a writer. I've enjoyed all Tarantinos films so far, to varying degrees, but agree it would be nice to see him do something a bit different, like P.T. Anderson did when he came out with 'There Will Be Blood', or Aranofsky with 'The Wrestler'.
I think Paul Thomas Anderson is a much more talented director, along the lines of a young Martin Scorcese, and therefore better equipped to bounce off in different directions. And Aranfosky has always been a very interesting director, right from his first weird film, Pi, through to loony oddball stuff like The Fountain.
Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 3 2009, 9:09 AM BST
You could also argue, of course, that he already has done something a bit different, with 'Jackie Brown'. Yes it was gangsters who all spoke like Tarantino characters, but it was also quite a bit more 'grown up'(ugh) and emotional than the kind of thing he's more known for. The relationship between Brown and the bail bondsman was really quite touching and well drawn.
Agreed. This was a great film, possibly because it was one of his few adapted works? And fair play to the pointy-chinned tit, he is one of the few directors to do Elmore Leonard justice.