British Comedy Guide

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Music Television really does suck, the presenters piss me off Angry

Quote: Darren Pomroy @ June 2 2009, 11:04 AM BST

Music Television really does suck, the presenters piss me off Angry

Are the hat wearing, look at us we're so random and clever cocks?

Quote: Gavin @ June 2 2009, 11:05 AM BST

Are the hat wearing, look at us we're so random and clever cocks?

Yes they are! I don't mind the randomness so much its the 'clever wit' they possess, its shit writing performed even worse by shit actors.

Quote: Darren Pomroy @ June 2 2009, 11:41 AM BST

Yes they are! I don't mind the randomness so much its the 'clever wit' they possess, its shit writing performed even worse by shit actors.

Another thing that annoys me "Look how rubbish we are! ho ho!" Yep that's great I'm turning over now bubye. And when they make the floor Staff laugh at their 'Spontaneous' Jokes

Darren, you need to invest in some nice speaker or an MP3 player or something. You'd be much better off with them than music TV or the radio. :P

Quote: Gavin @ June 2 2009, 10:44 AM BST

Didn't it stop when they escaped the first time?

Alas, no. The second season they were on the run. The third season they're in a Mexican prison trying to escape. And bugger knows what happens in the fourth, although it's just been cancelled in the states so that is it now.

Quote: chipolata @ June 2 2009, 12:31 PM BST

Alas, no. The second season they were on the run. The third season they're in a Mexican prison trying to escape. And bugger knows what happens in the fourth, although it's just been cancelled in the states so that is it now.

phew Whistling nnocently

Quote: chipolata @ June 2 2009, 10:23 AM BST

Prison Break 3 on DVD. By Christ, it's shit.

I somewhat enjoyed Season 3. Good job it was cut short by the writer's strike though, otherwise it would've stretched out.

The latest season, I just can't be arsed with.

Season 1 was fun though :)

Yeah, I enjoyed season 3 of Prison Break. My enjoyment of the season 4 DVD will be somewhat marred by the fact that the reviews on Play revealed the ending. The spoiling bastards.

Quote: Leevil @ June 2 2009, 1:42 PM BST

Season 1 was fun though :)

Yeah, I quite liked that one too. And out of all the shows influenced by 24 and it's more real time feel, it was one of the better ones. But they really did stretch it beyond breaking point.

Quote: PhQnix @ June 2 2009, 11:46 AM BST

Darren, you need to invest in some nice speaker or an MP3 player or something. You'd be much better off with them than music TV or the radio. :P

I got a portable CD player but it's broke. Dont know what an MP3 is and for the life of me will not buy an IPOD.

Quote: Darren Pomroy @ June 2 2009, 2:25 PM BST

and for the life of me will not buy an IPOD.

Good man!

Quote: Darren Pomroy @ June 2 2009, 2:25 PM BST

I got a portable CD player but it's broke. Dont know what an MP3 is and for the life of me will not buy an IPOD.

As someone who wouldn't go anywhere without their portable CD player, do yourself a favor and get an iPod shuffle. It's dirt cheap, works great and #1 you never have to worry about carrying your portable CD straight so it doesn't skip.

Quote: Darren Pomroy @ June 2 2009, 2:25 PM BST

Dont know what an MP3 is and for the life of me will not buy an IPOD.

If you don't know what one is, then why do you have a problem with the iPod?

They are an expensive piece of kit, especially when you can buy mp3 player's from as low as £4 from Tesco (or wherever). I don't think I'd buy an iPod, because even though they work well (and they do) it's still not worth throwing that amount of money at them.

I'd much rather do a bit of research and find an mp3 player that meets my needs, and for probably half the price.

Quote: Leevil @ June 2 2009, 2:39 PM BST

If you don't know what one is, then why do you have a problem with the iPod?

They are an expensive piece of kit, especially when you can buy mp3 player's from as low as £4 from Tesco (or wherever). I don't think I'd buy an iPod, because even though they work well (and they do) it's still not worth throwing that amount of money at them.

I'd much rather do a bit of research and find an mp3 player that meets my needs, and for probably half the price.

What do MP3 do then?

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