British Comedy Guide

Reggie Perrin - Series 1 Page 28

Yes, watching an entire series of a show you despise is rather!

I haven't watched it all.

Quote: Aaron @ May 29 2009, 10:03 PM BST

and was hoping that Jasmine would go and see if he was ok when he was taken out of the presentation.

Maybe they were trying to show that although in his fantasy of her she is perfect and they would be perfect together, in reality she isn't. And he's already with the woman he should be with.

Am I the only one to think that any potential poignancy was a little undermined by having that massive knob Jonathan Ross yell all over the closing credits? Sheesh!

Watching this show was like watching the Sistine Chapel get graffitied.

Quote: Timbo @ May 29 2009, 10:36 PM BST

Am I the only one to think that any potential poignancy was a little undermined by having that massive knob Jonathan Ross yell all over the closing credits? Sheesh!

Johnathan Ross is the man. I love that guy, sharp and quick witted and a natural talent.

Okay, enough beating about the bush now johnny - did you like the show or didn't you?

Quote: Scottidog @ May 29 2009, 10:55 PM BST

Johnathan Ross is the man. I love that guy, sharp and quick witted and a natural talent.

We are unlikely to see eye to eye on that one, but surely not even his greatest fan would hold that Wossie's leering mug and strangled consonants are the thing to enhance a poignant moment?

Was a little disappointed with the series overall and certainly with the ending, watched all the episodes but I was close to quiting on it. Everyone I know either didn't watch it or stopped watching it after two episodes.

Far from perfect, but never less than interesting, and most episodes had at least a handful of laugh out loud moments, which is more than most sitcoms - and a hell of a lot more than anything else BBC One has put out at primetime in recent years.

Quote: Scottidog @ May 29 2009, 10:55 PM BST

Johnathan Ross is the man. I love that guy, sharp and quick witted and a natural talent.

You missed off Twat !


Really enjoyed the final episode. Personally I like the fact that there was no definite resolution at the end and thought that Clunes did a fine job. I hope there is a second series but if there's not I would still look upon the series as having worked (for me at least).

Quote: zooo @ May 29 2009, 10:33 PM BST

Maybe they were trying to show that although in his fantasy of her she is perfect and they would be perfect together, in reality she isn't.

When the camera cut to her looking at him, her expression didn't give that impression. Otherwise I wouldn't be bothered about her not going after him.

Yeah true. I think she does care about him, just not enough.

I thought TONIGHT was the last episode?

Oh. It's Saturday now, isn't it?

Any message the series may have had, or subtlties, or poignancy was lost underneath the audience braying and hooting.

Also, as I mentioned before, there was no build up to this in my opinion. Every episode had him stomping through, just being irritated at the world, not really getting worse. I know other posters disagree, but for me it was proven in a throwaway line in last night's episode:

"We're worried about Reggie. He was standing next to the watercooler for an hour yesterday and there were no cups there. Or water."

Now that's odder than any of the grumpy wackiness they'd shown in the series, but they just lobbed it in to say 'something has happened to cause concern amongst colleagues'. And everyone was suddenly concerned. All of the series was just Meldrew-lite moaning with no build up, so they ramped it all up for the last half hour with references to oddities we'd not been privy too. And still the laughter track hooted...

I'm not actually against a sitcom set in 2009 about a man with frustrations about modern life having a breakdown - any era can have someone raging against 'modern' life; it's not confined to 1976. It's just that it could have been done so well.

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