Wednesday 27th May 2009 4:50am
14,748 posts
Quote: PhQnix @ May 27 2009, 1:42 AM BST
Elliot wants this made into a poster, anyone got any idea how?
Well then, how about a PDF?
There's a "Print..." button below the Wordle area, on the left-hand side. Press it. You will be prompted to allow the Wordle "Java applet" to access your printer. Please check the checkbox that says "Always permit", and accept the dialogue.
On the Mac, you'll have to press the "Print..." button again. Boo.
Mac users can simply "Save as PDF" from their built-in printer dialogue.
Windows users will need to use third-party software to generate a PDF from the print dialogue. Adobe Acrobat is fine, but I happen to use the free-as-in-beer CutePDF Writer. I have no relationship to the folks who make CutePDF, nor do I take any responsibility for anything that might happen as a result of your using it. If you do use CutePDF, you'll also need to install Ghostscript, a free-as-in-speech PostScript interpreter.
The PDFs you make in this way are fully scalable, and suitable for making posters, T-Shirts, what have you. Please tell me about anything interesting you've done with Wordle.