I'm not really sure what this is the start of - maybe a sitcom? The idea came to me so I thought I would write it up.
Jim and Jobber are sat down having their packed lunches.
Jobber: I bloody hate this job sometimes Jim.
Jim takes a massive bite of his doorstep sandwich and talks with his mouthful.
Jim: Really? What's to hate? The customers don't give us any aggro, we don't to do any shift work and let's face the job is pretty secure.
Jobber: I know, but it's not what I had in mind as a career when I left school.
Jim: No one ever does, but I wouldn't change it for the world.
A big blog of mayo falls out of Jim's sandwich and falls onto the table he wipes it up with his finger and licks it off.
Jobber: Your f**king disgusting to watch eat you know.
Jim: Yeah? You're no oil painting yourself Jobber!
Jobber: I bet Christine doesn't eat like you.
Jim: That's something you're never going to find out my son! She's well out of your league.
Jobber: I don't know! I think the flowers are starting to work.
Jim: Come off it! She ain't thick. She knows where they come from mate.
Jim puts his feet up on the table and picks up his copy of the Sun.
Jobber: It's always frezzing in here.
Jim: Hardly. The heatings going on in a minute anyway.
Jobber: I always thought I'd be an executive somewhere, a banker or something.
Jim: You're almost right.
Jobber: What the f**k is that supposed to mean?
Jim: Chill out mate, just messing. Look! The wages are good aren't they? We aren't rushed off our feet are we?
Jobber: True.
Jim: And theres an occasional little bonus in our wage packet.
Jim pulls out a gold ring.
Jobber: F**king hell Jim. If they ever found out you'd be sacked.
Jim: No! You got to know the ones to pick son, the ones with bugger all family. They never ask about things like this.
Jobber: It's bloody sick Jim, that's what it is.
Jim. Wrong again Jobber. It's fifty quid cash down fat Barry's, that what it is.
Jim looks at the clock.
Jim Come on lets get this one sorted. We got another one in at two. Get the heating on!
They both stand up and pick up their sandwich boxes. The camera goes back to show that they have been using a coffin as a table. Jobber flicks on the cremation incinerator and they both shove the coffin inside and slam the door.