British Comedy Guide

Milestone posts Page 52



:O Actually kind of smiling!

Where are the naked ones?

I left them at your mum's, could you collect them for me? :P

Don't worry, they're in safe hands. :P

Quote: PhQnix @ May 24 2009, 9:42 PM BST

I left them at your mum's, could you collect them for me? :P

Only if you stop posting them through the letterbox at 3am, every morning.

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ May 24 2009, 9:45 PM BST

Don't worry, they're in safe hands. :P

The police?

Quote: Leevil @ May 24 2009, 10:00 PM BST

Only if you stop posting them through the letterbox at 3am, every morning.

Sounds like a deal. Cool

Quote: Leevil @ May 24 2009, 10:00 PM BST

The police?

You have no idea how worrying that'd be. Laughing out loud

That was awesome Elliot! :)

As Nil just pointed out... it's my 11111 post.

So here's a picture of me having climbed up some rocky stuff in Devon. Another insite into the Ellie life. :)


:D Congrats Els.

Quote: EllieJP @ June 7 2009, 8:38 PM BST

So here's a picture of me having climbed up some rocky stuff in Devon.

I'll be disappointed if that formation isn't called The Devil's Butthole.

Ooh, that looks like a fun place.

Congrats on your 1111111111!
Something like that anyway.

Quote: PhQnix @ May 24 2009, 8:25 PM BST


And as I seem to have missed this somehow, congrats to PhQnix too. :D

Congraaats, Ellie. :D

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