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Awesome stuff!

Quote: Darren Pomroy @ May 22 2009, 10:42 AM BST

I was late to work this morning because I didn't run for my train. I could have made it if I ran, but I just couldn't help thinking if I don't make it I'll look like a right idiot. Anyone else feel the same.

Edited by Aaron.

Being cool is uncool.

Quote: john lucas 101 @ May 22 2009, 1:13 PM BST

Being cool is uncool.

I didn't wanna look cool just not like an idiot.

Quote: Aaron @ May 22 2009, 12:46 PM BST

Coooool. The tattoo one makes it look so much more painful!

Where is Ruby these days?

*BURP* Excuse me.

I've just had a look at my postal voting ballot for the European elections and found the 'Pirate Party' on it. To Wikipedia!

Quote: Finck @ May 23 2009, 8:49 PM BST

I've just had a look at my postal voting ballot for the European elections and found the 'Pirate Party' on it. To Wikipedia!

It's those Swedish Pirate Bay people, isn't it?

Quote: Finck @ May 23 2009, 8:49 PM BST

I've just had a look at my postal voting ballot for the European elections and found the 'Pirate Party' on it. To Wikipedia!

*rushes to open his*

Nope. :(

The thought of multinational elections makes me scratch my head.

Quote: DaButt @ May 23 2009, 8:55 PM BST

It's those Swedish Pirate Bay people, isn't it?

In a way, yes.

They represent issues that have been mostly ignored by established parties. For example, that privacy protection has to be organised differently in times of the internet.

Inneresting, inneresting.

I wasn't registered in time to vote for this. I feel so foolish, I was really looking forward to my first vote. :(

Quote: Aaron @ May 23 2009, 8:59 PM BST

*rushes to open his*

Nope. :(

According to Wikipedia there's a UK version. Pirate Party UK. Just not on your ballot, it appears. :(

Quote: DaButt @ May 23 2009, 9:01 PM BST

The thought of multinational elections makes me scratch my head.

But you live in the United *States* of America! I doubt that the difference between Finland and Italy is much bigger than the difference between New Hampshire and Texas. Political culture wise.

Quote: DaButt @ May 23 2009, 9:01 PM BST

The thought of multinational elections makes me scratch my head.

That's the point - they want it to be one country.

Quote: PhQnix @ May 23 2009, 9:07 PM BST

I wasn't registered in time to vote for this. I feel so foolish, I was really looking forward to my first vote. :(

How were you not registered? When's your birthday?

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