Thursday 21st May 2009 6:03pm
1,356 posts
Quote: Ben @ May 21 2009, 9:39 AM BST
There's still a lot of explaining going on and it's far too long. You've established a perfectly plausible plot early on, but then you keep going with banter.
The banter doesn't do much to establish any relationships. Look at the very first appearence of Rimmer and Lister in Red Dwarf - there's some wonderful verbal sparring which establishes exactly what the characters are about.
I remember last time you posted you kept mentioning this 'natural dialogue' that you're after. Can you give us some examples of previous shows using the dialogue? I'm not sure what you're aiming for at the minute. Is it an Early Doors sort of feel?
I liked this line: "You've a real spring in your shuffle"
Thanks for your input
As for what I'm after, I guess it would be somewhere in the lines of The Smoking Room/Early Doors type of feel but I don't want that feel with every scene.
Quote: Marc P @ May 21 2009, 2:55 PM BST
Plays don't have just one set you know.
And trust me it's a lot simpler that way than just sending in blind. Men Behaving Badly was a novel first. Agents and producers go to see plays the whole time with an eye out for new talent, and not in the Russell Brand sense, and not just at the Edinburgh Festival. People reading a script don't hear an audience howling with laughter!
Point taken Marc and admit it's something I never considered.