British Comedy Guide

BBC College of Comedy 2 Page 17

Quote: Micheal Jacob @ May 11 2009, 11:25 AM BST

Of course, why not? There's no advantage in talking things up for the sake of it.

Fair enough.

Well I guess this is the week where the lucky few hear back. I hope a BSGer gets in. What a fantastic opportunity.

Quote: ContainsNuts @ May 11 2009, 3:53 PM BST

Well I guess this is the week where the lucky few hear back. I hope a BSGer gets in. What a fantastic opportunity.

They heard back last Friday.

Quote: Dolly Dagger @ May 11 2009, 3:53 PM BST

They heard back last Friday.

Oops, you're right. I was away and missed that blog. Maybe this is the week that some also-rans hear back :$

I've written today to the 'nearly' entrants, so everyone who is going to hear has heard.

Just out of interest Micheal, how many were on the 'nearly' list?

Low thirties, Dolly. Did you enter?

Quote: Micheal Jacob @ May 11 2009, 4:38 PM BST

I've written today to the 'nearly' entrants, so everyone who is going to hear has heard.

Oh well here's to 2010.

Console for those who have heard nothing.

:) for nearlies


Cool for the chosen.

Quote: Micheal Jacob @ May 11 2009, 5:23 PM BST

Low thirties, Dolly. Did you enter?

I did; I've done denial and anger and currently at the bargaining stage. Incidentally would it be possible for me to pay for a place on the College of Comedy course?

Quote: Micheal Jacob @ May 11 2009, 5:23 PM BST

Low thirties, Dolly. Did you enter?

Yes, I did. Of course you're keeping mine aside as an example of what not to send in. :)

Wow, I just heard that I got in the top 30.

I'm still a loser, obviously, but a very pleased and encouraged one!



I'm writing to say that while your entry didn't make the final cut for the college, it was in the top 30 of what was an extremely competitive field. So I hope this is some consolation.

Best wishes

Micheál Jacob

Well done Jane. :)

Was it your Sitcom Trials entry?

Thanks Dolly.

How did you guess. ;)

I should be more modest but I was really pleased to hear back at all!


Well done Jane! Congrats!

Nothing for me :(


Quote: Jane P @ May 11 2009, 6:31 PM BST

Thanks Dolly.

How did you guess. ;)

I should be more modest but I was really pleased to hear back at all!


Yes, congratulations on getting so close and even better luck for next year (if you even need to enter)!

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