Tuesday 5th May 2009 4:30pm [Edited]
Royal Berkshire
69,985 posts
A number of points:
1. Posting private messages really does not help. I will ammend the board rules to prohibit this.
2. Site rules stipulate that:
If a user has a complaint regarding another user's conduct, suspects them of holding multiple sitcom.co.uk user accounts, or wishes to raise any other concern or point regarding another user, these should be conveyed to a moderator privately (for example, by private message). Such matters aired publicly (i.e. in threads) will be considered trolling and dealt with accordingly.
For this reason I am now issuing official warnings to the following:
Graham Bandage
Huge Bear
Your concerns are welcome, but should be directed through PM. A number of you do feel strongly, which I appreciate and really am thankful for the information you have since provided me with - but I cannot and will not undermine the site by enforcing rules on one person whilst ignoring their flouting by others.
Any further concerns from or regarding any member should be directed to me personally. You will find the 'PM' link at the bottom left of this post.
(And Morrace, please stop with those annoying dots.)