British Comedy Guide

I am sad for BSG at the moment

What Griff said, only in a scouse accent.

Have I missed something?

Quote: Nil Putters @ May 4 2009, 10:59 PM BST

Have I missed something?

A number of posters in Writers' Discussion are acting the giddy goat. They are either working in concert, like a divvies' convention, or one and the same person.

Is it one person? I thought I was beating my record for pissing off multiple users at once.

Quote: sootyj @ May 4 2009, 11:05 PM BST

Is it one person? I thought I was beating my record for pissing off multiple users at once.

No, I suspect your former record is intact.

Quote: Graham Bandage @ May 4 2009, 11:05 PM BST

A number of posters in Writers' Discussion are acting the giddy goat. They are either working in concert, like a divvies' convention, or one and the same person.


Quote: Graham Bandage @ May 4 2009, 11:05 PM BST

like a divvies' convention

Laughing out loud Love that.

Quote: Graham Bandage @ May 4 2009, 11:05 PM BST

are acting the giddy goat.

Laughing out loud

Graham organises them, I've attended several.
He always makes sure I have lots of jelly and a bib.

I actually get narked that there is so little peer evaluation on the web. And generally most of the evaluation in BSG seems fair and honest to me.

So when somebody has a go at it, it's actually attacking something rare and special to me.

Quote: Griff @ May 4 2009, 10:53 PM BST

There appears to be one user spoiling most of the board, going by a large number of aliases. We all know who this is/these are.

I wish Aaron and Mark would do something about it.

That is all.

It's putting me off.

Don't go MarkP you'd be PUNishing us!


It's not me is it?

I've done no wrong!

Don't worry too much Griff. First of all it only seems to happen on Critique (funny how the multiple identities dive in with a sketch as their first post, isn't it?). That might be why Mark and Aaron aren't even aware there is a problem. Has anyone told them? And is it a big problem anyway?

It's irritating, but spot the signs and you can live with it (except when it gets a bit nasty - the previous wave was fairly gentle but this one is admittedly a bit more venomous). I hope it doesn't put people off coming on here. In the past few months there have been loads of great *real* people coming on critique and elsewhere, and long may it continue.

Anyway, to conclude: Badge's guide to bluffers.

1/ First post ever is "my sketch or sitcom - what do you guys think?"
2/ This thread escalates into something much more than critique
3/ someone (you know whos yous are) will declare it much better than the usual stuff on here, even though nobody else can think of a decent word to say about it
4/ the same relatively low-posting names (in terms of numbers) pop up again and again (LIME500 and Woodmeister spring to mind - I'm sure they have opinions on other threads but they do seem very selective; I apologise in advance, you might just like to witness a good scrap!)
5/ the thread consists of conversations between people who get online and get offline at regular intervals. It is only speculation that makes me think some of these people are the same... er... person.
6/ (my favourite) there are occasionally brilliant and funny self-referential posts. I like these a lot. But I would be very happy to lose them if we got rid of the multiple personality thing.

Seriously, if you like this site as much as your behaviour obviously shows, stick to one guy and keep being funny in the right places where we can all admire it.

Quote: Griff @ May 4 2009, 10:53 PM BST

There appears to be one user spoiling most of the board, going by a large number of aliases. We all know who this is/these are.

I wish Aaron and Mark would do something about it.

That is all.

If the writer community stopped being so obsessively insulated, disregarding of other aspects of the site and embarking on what is essentially vigilante justice mentality, then perhaps Aaron or Mark could do something about it.

Should anyone who knows anything about these people really be that bothered, they are welcome to click that PM button (opposite the never-used Report button) at the bottom of this post and let me know the usernames and the details of these suspected multiple-account users.


Quote: Griff @ May 4 2009, 11:35 PM BST

A fine analysis Badge. I could add a number of names to your list but we all know who they are.

We don't though!
Only the regular Critique lot do.

Oh, Aaron just said that.

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