I'd just like to have a quick rant, if I may. I'm so tired of some of these callers. The last couple of days I've had Indians phoning up to consolidate my debts, saying 'Hello, I'm Ray from [garbled company name], and blah blah blah.' Why is it you never hear the name of the company? And half the time they pronounce my surname wrongly.
Just had one from an Asian-sounding chap. "I'm calling about your computer, right?" he says. So I say "what about it?" Then either he hangs up or gets cut off. Eh?
And then there's the one that starts with a little tune, and a voice says "This is your captain speaking," before going on to tell me about how I can win a cruise around the Med.
I'm thinking of turning into the punter from hell, and having long meandering conversations with them, wasting their time. Might be a laugh.