Friday 1st May 2009 5:05am
Royal Berkshire
69,993 posts
1. Definitely, undoubtedly, without a second thought, 1. The way things are going at the moment, you can't afford (literally) to be so complacent. It might take you a year to find a job anyway. But start looking, and take what you can before someone else does.
(Plus, if you find that your writing is going nowhere and you need to get back into the game in x months/a year's time, then an employer is likely to favour another candidate over the one who was so flippant about their job/industry/etc, and chose to spend time doing 'creative' (i.e. trivial, in their mind) things instead of being serious, responsible, and dedicated. Rightly or wrongly, it sends a message as to what your attitude would be to their company.)