British Comedy Guide

What are you listening to now? Page 585

Billy Paul - East

HILLYH by The Mae Shi.

Sheena is a punk rocker - the Ramones

Quote: EllieJP @ April 19 2009, 12:28 PM BST

My annoying boyfriend study for his work exams. *Page turn* Grrrr

Ooo, get you! Such hostility to someone trying to improve themselves in some way. Are you Arthur Scargill?

Quote: Aaron @ April 30 2009, 2:37 PM BST

Ooo, get you! Such hostility to someone trying to improve themselves in some way. Are you Arthur Scargill?


I'd never tell him... I'm proud of him. Doesn't mean I don't get annoyed.

Quote: Darren Pomroy @ April 20 2009, 4:27 PM BST

Just found some Human League collecting dust at the bottom of my desk. Get in.

Are you suggesting that you use physical media? :S

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ April 24 2009, 5:27 PM BST

Me neither! At school, it's always first choice on the speakers at break and lunch.

Speakers? Robyn's a chavscum type.

Quote: PhQnix @ April 28 2009, 7:16 PM BST

I tried to find out what you mean but I couldn't What are you talking about, Rob? :$

Even I know what he's talking about. Bloody hell. You call yourself a music fan.

Quote: PhQnix @ April 28 2009, 7:50 PM BST

That's roughly how my hair looks when I wake up. Would you like a comb?

Quote: Curt @ April 29 2009, 1:07 PM BST

He's the kid wearing an Ottawa Centaurs hat and a Pepsi toque (err...what do you guys call toques....beanie? Knitted Bonnet?).

The correct name is beanie, yes.

Quote: Aaron @ April 30 2009, 3:01 PM BST

Even I know what he's talking about. Bloody hell. You call yourself a music fan.

Like I'd touch a Now CD. All manufactured, mass produced *grumble grumble snobbery* :P

Also, a comb would ruin my preciously styled hair.

Ah come on, I wouldn't go near Coronation Street but I know it exists! Such a weak excuse, Elliot. :P

R.E.M. - Losing My Religion

Ben Folds - Gone

R.E.M. - Everybody Hurts

Elliott you look SO much like my mate Dave, it actually scares me.

I'm listening to the brand spanking new Manic Street Preachers album that has leaked. And f**k me, it is goooood.

Quote: NickTheDon @ April 30 2009, 7:09 PM BST

Elliott you look SO much like my mate Dave, it actually scares me.

Quote: NickTheDon @ April 30 2009, 7:09 PM BST

Elliott you look SO much like my mate Dave, it actually scares me.

Sounds like the sort of name I'd give out if I were pretending to be someone I'm not, are you sure it's not me? :P

Slow Parade
by Broken Records

New, Jamie T - Sticks & Stones

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