Jane P
Monday 27th April 2009 11:49pm
1,071 posts
Quote: Timbo @ April 27 2009, 4:17 PM BST
Not sure about the choice of name for your protagonsist, and with the biting off of the head I now have a mental image of you as a black widow...
Funny, nice to see people having fun with this.
On the animation idea vultures are what birds would look like if birds were designed by a cartoonists, so the idea has potential. Not that my skills lie in that direction. 
Ha ha! I'd not thought about it like that. I was just trying to make you famous.
OK so how about in the re-write 'Tim' fights off the beast with a garden rake but not before he gets scratched by the lion - which turns him into....'Garden Appliance Man' a new superhero who hides out in sheds and keeps our outside areas safe whilst we sleep?
Maybe not.