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UFOs Page 3

Dude why would you share that??

I don't know?

I'll never be able to eat from a mans arse again without thinking of potato salad *Bleh!*

I can imagine that being a socially crippling problem for you lol

I do get asked to leave a lot of restaurants.

well I can imagine arse eating is frowned upon in public eataries. I exclude McDonalds obivously because thats more a slop house

McDonalds is an arse hole.

I know they are corrupt as hell but......................HAPPY MEALS!

I go for the cheap thrills :D

I had Scabby Mac today instead of sunday roast, the pub was full of noisy gelflings and I aint going out in apublic house to listen to toddlers screaming so I had a few pints and went to the golden arches and received a dull life less goon serving me my double cheese burger and chips...Urggh I hate my life

Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop at large. @ August 5, 2007, 8:38 PM

I know they are corrupt as hell but......................HAPPY MEALS!

I go for the cheap thrills :D

Stay away from my Kinder eggs

I have total sympathy for peeps working in fast food places. Had a very brief time working in one during my student days. They put up with more than the police. Rude assholes who think it's okay to behave crappy to them just cause they are working in a burger joint, chavs getting lippy, idiots who ask for a big mac in KFC, older customers who will complain that their chips are all diferent sizes, screaming kids, shitty covered toilets to clean and needles to remove, drunks who pick fight with the staff (the reason I left very quickly) and the worse and most annoying thing, stuck up assholes who talk about the "faceless corporations" and trying to get free stuff. Guess what? Most store have a policy about taking it from people's pay so it's not a faceless company you are stealing from, it's the person behind the till. So next time you go to one of these places, do them a favour. Be polite and clean up after yourself. That's all.

Sorry - a pet peev!

surely then when you get a nice customer. Like me. You'd grasp them for all your worth!

I'm lucky I don't even have to think about it now. I lasted two months! Now I dress up in costumes and perform live art (at moment). Still beats the money I was getting at uni!

Now I dress up in costumes and perform live art

Are you one of those living statue things??

No! I have done the odd bit of street stuff but noooooo.....

I suppose you could call me a massurealist. (Feels smug using a big word). It's not what I wanna do in life but it's something I enjoyed so far. Giving it a rest after summer to do other stuff.

The term massurrealism was coined by artist James Seehafer in 1992 and is sometimes referred to as a post-modernist movement but is more properly identified as an artistic tendency. Massurrealism is based in a further evolution of surrealism with technology and mass media as the catalyst, but this position has been criticized by surrealists, some of whom have stated in rejoinder that surrealism is not an artistic movement.

So are you an artist to??

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