British Comedy Guide

Big Fella's Book - and getting an agent. Page 5

Well done Mr Bigfella :)

I had not checked this thread out before today - Hope it all continues to work out for you mate.

Thanks to the recent posters!

Just in case anyone likes gory operation details. I thought I had only lost a bit of my small intestine with the bypass. I found out yesterday they actually bypassed 1.4 meters of it!!!! Makes you think.

Good for you, bigfella. I really hope it keeps going well. And good luck with the book. :)

Top, Big Fella. Now write, damn you, write. :D

Thanks to everyone who has posted with their support on this thread and the putting faces to names one and to everyone who has PM'd me. It just goes to show what a nice, fluffy place this is. Hug

Quote: bigfella @ April 23 2009, 7:34 PM BST

Thanks to everyone who has posted with their support on this thread and the putting faces to names one and to everyone who has PM'd me. It just goes to show what a nice, fluffy place this is. Hug

Apart from the horribly abusive PM you received from me.

Just walked 2 miles! Doesn't sound a lot, but seven weeks ago I was out of breath walking to the front door to collect the pizza.

I'm going to be as stiff as a board in the morning.

A tired, but happy Bigfella.

Well done bigfella, you'll be running the marathon in no time. ;)

Seriously though, that's awesome. Keep it up.

Quote: Nil Putters @ April 26 2009, 7:52 PM BST

Well done bigfella, you'll be running the marathon in no time. ;)

Watch this space!

I say no more.


:D I'll get the chicken costume ready.

will they not let you write the book in a diary format but a humourous one.
are you keeping a diary day to day?

Hi Bushbaby.

Yeah, about half the book is made up of diary enteries and the other half my deep, dark past and how I got to be in this position.

Hopefully there will be an element of humour in there.

Quote: bigfella @ April 27 2009, 3:39 PM BST

Hi Bushbaby.

Yeah, about half the book is made up of diary enteries and the other half my deep, dark past and how I got to be in this position.

Hopefully there will be an element of humour in there.

well I guess you can say, you've got a lot on your plate :D

Quote: bushbaby @ April 28 2009, 3:15 PM BST

well I guess you can say, you've got a lot on your plate :D

Or not. As the case may be

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