British Comedy Guide

Budget Song

To the tune of "release me" by Engelbert Humperdinck

Please don't fleece me, let me go,
for I can't afford it anymore.
To tax my pint would be a sin.
Don't fleece me and let me spend again.

I have found a new love for beer.
Since my money disappeared.
I am poor and on the dole.
Don't fleece me, Mr Darling, let me go.

Please don't fleece me can't you see.
You can't rescue the economy.
I've cancelled my holiday to Spain.
so don't fleece me and let me spend again.

Any thoughts

It feels a bit to constrained. Otherwise good match but 3 verses just feels a little short.

I can't really remember the original after the first verse/chorus or whatever, but it didn't feel like it scanned right to me.

There is the original.

It is only three verses so can't really help that!

Quote: Tom G @ April 25 2009, 8:55 PM BST

There is the original.

Yeah, it scans pretty well apart from (imo) the words 'afford' and 'holiday'. Maybe a one syllable word might work better. I have know idea what they would be though. :D

It doesn't scan perfectly, but you can get round that in the way you sing it.
It's quite good but I feel it may need a killer line or two in there somewhere to elevate it to very good.

I chose it because I thought the "darling line fitted brilliantly!

Thought this was a bit short and probably not enough killer, specific lines. S'not enough to just fit in a name reference sometimes, the rest felt a little generic to me.

Just didn't feel as good as your others today (which were very good).

Thanks Rob0, as a master of the art I'll take that on board.

I thought it was the weakest of the three as well.

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