British Comedy Guide

Milestone posts Page 49

Nice one Nil! :) Love your nipples.

Thanks Ells.

I was going to say love your work, but love your nipples was so much more personal.

Ha! I have been working them. Hanging from the washing line by them etc. Thanks for noticing.

Quote: Nil Putters @ April 24 2009, 11:17 AM BST

I have been working them.

I can tell! ;)

I can only see one nipple

Two is just slutty.

But the other one is completely normal, yes?

Or will it forever remain hidden, like Gabrielle's eye?

Normal? Yes, apart from being highly well trained. I can do press-ups on them, and have climbed sheer faces with them.

Quote: shaggy292 @ April 24 2009, 12:05 PM BST

Or will it forever remain hidden, like Gabrielle's eye?

The reason she only has one is that her and the big witch thingy from The Dark Crystal share a set. They usually have one each, of which the 'witch' sticks one in her forehead.


The original photo!


Laughing out loud I'll have nightmares tonight!

Quote: Nil Putters @ April 24 2009, 12:50 PM BST

Laughing out loud I'll have nightmares tonight!


Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

Laughing out loud

Laughing out loudLaughing out loudLaughing out loudLaughing out loudLaughing out loudLaughing out loudLaughing out loud

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