Here are a couple more of my original series of about 6 stonehedge based pieces. I was trying my hand at writing sketches that could be regular pieces in a sketch show as opposed to my normal one off topical stuff. The one we used for the joint sketch was the first one.
Stonehenge – Supplies.
A druid with heavy West Country accent and a builder are talking.
Druid : What are you doing?
Builder : We're just having a brew. How's the druidding going?
Druid : Yes fine. But my henge? You've done nothing.
Builder : Well, it's all that stone you insisted on guv.
Druid : What about the stone?
Builder : Did you want a brew by the way guv?
Druid : No. Thank you. You were saying?
Builder : Saying?
Druid : About the stone.
Builder : Oh yeah. Very hard to lay your hands on the sort of quantity we'll need. If you'd had settled for wood no problem, but stone <BEAT> tricky.
Druid : Yes but it's a stone based henge.
Builder : Oh yes I can see your problem guv. But it's simply a question of supply and demand you see.
Druid : Is it?
Builder : Oh yeah, stone is very "in" these days you know. In the all the building trade press they're calling it "The stone age."
Druid : So what are you doing about it.
Builder : Couple of my boys, they've got a little contact in Ireland. If anyone can pick some up, he'll be the man.
Druid : Ireland? How you getting the stone back then?
Builder : Oh yeah good point guv. You're pretty sharp.<BEAT> For a druid.
Druid : So? How's the stone getting here then?
Builder : Buggered if I know. I'll have another brew and think about it guv.
Stonehenge – Health and Safety
A druid with heavy West Country accent and a builder are talking.
Druid : I might have guessed you be sat down on the job again.
Builder : No option guv. We're just having a brew, you want one?
Druid : No. Why do you have no option? I need my Henge in action.
Builder : Health and Safety guv.
Druid : Health and Safety – what are you taking about?
Builder : The inspectors. They raided us, they've shut the whole site down.
Druid : Why?
Builder : All this stone that we're lifting about. Very dangerous I'm told. We don't have things like hard hats, the donkeys don't have sufficient rest periods. I tell you guv, I don't even know what a hat is let alone a hard one.
Druid : So how do we carry on? I mean this is going to be the greatest Stone built Henge in the whole county of Wilshire. Built to stand a hundred years.
Builder : Well, a few months anyway.
Druid : When will be up and running again?
Builder : Difficult to say guv.
Druid: We must be able to do something, I'm the Chief Warlock after all.
Builder : You know what these officials are like. Listen what I'll do is get a bit of Personal Protection Equipment in, you know a few spells and incantations and the like. We'll get it all certificated by a government appointed witch and we should be up and running by the end of the week. <BEAT> You sure you don't want a brew?