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Does anyone fancy an orgy on here?

First off; I've often read through threads on here and have been highly amused by the banter and some of the 'fights' that have gone on. Also, ever since I joined BSG, I've toyed with the idea of taking the 'banter' and putting it together so that it would read like a script, i.e., no quotes or replies to something posted 10 pages back. In other words, it would be like natural speech. A reply would be immediate – without quotes, etc.

Anyway, each time I've read Jane P's thread, "Does anyone fancy writing a joint sketch on here?" – I've seen the potential for stringing the banter together. However, I did nothing about it ... until last night. The Devil in me changed the title, "Does anyone fancy writing a joint sketch on here?" to - "Does anyone fancy an orgy on here?" Bearing that in mind, I read through it again and a lot of the lines written by the contributors seemed to fit nicely into an 'Orgy' context.

I've covered Jane P's thread up to page 10 –where the serious fight begins. I left that be! To kick start it, I planted the word 'orgy' twice at the beginning and once in the middle. Also replies and statements may be mixed and matched for effect – comedy even! In other words, I've taken a few liberties. Oh – and I did use one person's 'signature' (couldn't resist!)

Finally - and interestingly enough, this is collaboration. The difference is, none of the 'writers' knew about it! As for me; strictly speaking, I wrote about one percent of it. There are no directions and two scenes; 'Before The Orgy' and 'After The Orgy'. Here's the thread for reference:

(Credits at the end of the script)



JANE P: Who wants to write a sketch a bit like Chinese whispers?

TOM G: Sounds great. But I'd rather have an orgy.

FRED SUNSHINE: Put me in early so that the damage can be repaired. - with say, 10 people?

TOM G: We don't necessarily need 10. I'd say maximum 24 hours with each person.

JANE P: Blimey Tom - I was meant to be organising. Let me have a think...

CHRIS FORSHAW: This sounds interesting, so count me in. I may have an idea to start us off with as well.

JANE P: Thanks Tom - sounds like a plan. Jane P, Tom, Fred... Who's next?

CRAIG H: Great idea. Put me down.

DOLLY DAGGER: There's a joint for you.

JANE P: Nice one Dolly - can I put your name down after Fred?

TOM G: Ok so its... 1. Chris Forshaw; 2. Jane P, 3. Tom G, 4. Fred, 5. Dolly, 6. Craig. Is that enough?

ROB0: Yup, definitely interested, I like sharing. Pretty much so far has been lone efforts.

JANE P: Hi Rob - glad you could make it. We have up to 24 hours each, but I suspect some of us will work quicker than that!

CHRIS FORSHAW: I think there's potential in it

JANE P: Or, if we end up with say more than 10 people we could split it into two projects and have a competition.

TOM G: If you want to get it going Jane ...

JANE P: I only spent an hour on it and tighten up a bit. But there's plenty more can be done with it.

BIGFELLA: There is a Alien with a strange finger that I know - he'd be pretty good at that!

JANE P: Yes I was hoping to get M on board and Marc P who doesn't hold back either.

BIGFELLA: Go on then!!! Add me in! I'll be good at that!

DARREN POMROY: Room for a little one??

BEN: I'll put my spin on it too.

SOOTYJ: Go on why not have a Sootyj spin?

MARC P: Why doesn't someone do one about a pencil?

JANE P: Marc I'm so pleased you're entering into the spirit of it. So does this mean you're in?

MARC P: Me. Nah. I know nothing about orgies.

JANE P: That's not stopping the rest of us. I speak for myself obviously. I'm hoping to claim glory on someone else's behalf. I've heard that's what the professionals do.

DOLLY DAGGER: Come now, don't be so modest. You know you want to really.

TOM G: Dolly said someone can fill her space.

MARC P: Nah, I am a comedy voyeur, a Peeping Tom Sharpe if you like.

TOM G: Dolly can jump in when shes ready.

ROSCOFF: Don't say f**k or bollocks.

JANE P: Roscoff - tsk!

SOOTYJ: And I've pooed in the fish tank.

CRAIG H: Spot on sooty,

JANE P: Personally I'm still disturbed by a dream I had about Gordon Ramsay. Was that Freudian?


SOOTYJ: Hooray for everyone just like the Special Olympics.

ROB0: Well done. I enjoyed partaking in this.

CRAIG H: Seems everyone including myself enjoyed doing this and is raring to go for another challenge.

CHRIS FORSHAW: I'd be up for doing it again


BIGFELLA: I'd be up for it again!

TOM G: When's the next one then Jane?

JANE P: As long as those involved get something out of it, I'll carry on!

DOLLY DAGGER: That's sounds like the right attitude. Just have fun.

JANE P: And Dolly and Marc should join forces.

DOLLY DAGGER: I'll do the smoking.

MARC P: Sad. But true.

CRAIG H: I reckon we should get the ball rolling straight away.

JANE P: If it doesn't carry on, it was fun while it lasted.

CRAIG H: Well put Jane.

JANE P: And on the plus side this does show how passionate everyone is.

TOM G: I've always wanted to be a eunuch, I just don't have the balls.


The Writers:

Jane P (Special Thanks!)
Tom G
Dolly Dagger
Chris Forshaw
Craig H
Fred Sunshine
Darren Pomroy
Marc P

Additional material & mix 'n' match – Morrace.


Laughing out loud


Very good.

Although I think it might be a bit long Whistling nnocently


Yay I featured in a sketch! Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

Very funny.

Quote: Morrace @ April 21 2009, 4:02 PM BST

JANE P: Hi Rob - glad you could make it. We have up to 24 hours each, but I suspect some of us will work quicker than that!

I didn't come out well from that did I? ;) Now I know what all those famous people are complaining about when they're misquoted!

There probably would have been less arguments with an orgy to be fair, but a few more moans so it's swings and roundabouts really.

But thanks M that did make me chuckle. Now where's that function for me to find every comment you've ever made on here?...


As ever when Morrace is being sociopathically antisocial he's very funny.

Like Leatherface with a knock knock joke book strapped to his chainsaw.

Laughing out loud

Another display of your brilliant editing and wicked humour. Impressive, and another case for your being the editor - though you'd probably end up making a new sketch out of the dark matter hidden between the lines or something.

Good way of getting some more naturalistic dialogue, though I hope you haven't started a new form of forum humour where threads are threaded through posts and woven into a tapestry of double-entendre.

Funniest two lines that elicited the most mirth were:

JANE P: I only spent an hour on it and tighten up a bit. But there's plenty more can be done with it.


TOM G: Dolly said someone can fill her space

Quote: Jane P @ April 21 2009, 7:58 PM BST

Now I know what all those famous people are complaining about when they're misquoted!

Quote: Jane P @ April 21 2009, 7:58 PM BST

I didn't come out well from that did I?


JANE P: I didn't come out well from that did I?

Get used to it girl!

Quote: Jane P @ April 21 2009, 7:58 PM BST

But thanks M that did make me chuckle.
Now where's that function for me to find every comment you've ever made on here?...:D

You dare! :O


Morrace, what a f**king disappointment this was. I thought the thread title was a genuine invitation.

Absolutely loved it Morrace, very funny indeed. I was howling throughout. I'm not a wolf, no.

Quote: sootyj @ April 21 2009, 8:01 PM BST

As ever when Morrace is being sociopathically antisocial he's very funny.

"when Morrace is being sociopathically antisocial" When? Pirate

Quote: sootyj @ April 21 2009, 8:01 PM BST

Like Leatherface with a knock knock joke book strapped to his chainsaw.

Thanks, Sootyj. That could be incorporated in a sketch:

Yes Madam, I know it was dark and you suffer from myopia but have you any idea what the intruder looked like?

DORIS: Like Leatherface with a knock-knock joke book strapped to his chainsaw .... or it may have been his cock - which was circumcised by the way.

Quote: bigfella @ April 21 2009, 4:10 PM BST

Very good.

Although I think it might be a bit long Whistling nnocently

That's what all the girls say!

Oh - and one Catholic priest.

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