British Comedy Guide


This was what the sketch looked like after I had finished with it. It wasn't a completed sketch and needed a lot of work but I just put my take on it and left it for the next person to take on!

It was a much harder subject matter but think that once again it developed into quite a funny sketch!

Builder : So what do you want exactly then guv?

Druid : We want a highly religious structure dedicated to the sun gods with meanings on a variety of spiritual different levels. We want people to travel the world, swim the deepest valleys and climb the highest mountains just to come and wallow in its beauty.

Builder: sounds costly, what sort of structure were you looking at?

Druid: We need it to stand out. Us Druids don't have any tourist attractions you see. The orthodox Christians have got a church in every town, a cathedral in every city! We want the structure itself to be made of the highest quality Gold.

Builder : woooooo, gold is gonna cost yer

Druid: Yes well no one supports the druids like they do the orthodox Christians. You should see the size of their collection plates now! Takes two to carry them. What's cheap?

Builder: how about stone?

Druid: ok then I guess that will have to do. As long as we can keep our marble ceilings and floors.

Builder: Marble. That don't come cheap I'll have to order out for that.

Druid: For crying out loud. We have a coffee morning every Sunday but people are just too busy (PUTS ON CHILDISH VOICE) worshipping God! (VOICE RETURNS TO NORMAL) So what do you suggest for a religious building on a budget?

Builder: Well why don't we have it with an open roof eh? Let some sun in, bring you closer to the heavens?

Druid: good I like it, I think we can get away with that. Now the doors must be jewel encrusted naturally.

Builder: Ooh, your precious gems are like golddust at the moment that'll cost you thousands.

Druid: Fine. Scrap the doors. So how much are the stones?

Builder: I've got a job lot on the cart that you can have at a discount price if you buy the lot.

Druid: Fine. We'll take them, But we need the structure complete by the summer solstice.

Builder : Oh dear. We'll need extra labour for that It'll cost ya.

Druid : Just dump it in the field for now then. I don't see this orthodox Christianity lasting anyway. A druid boom is just round the corner and when that day comes we shall use those stones to make a temple of wonder!

Cool, I liked how it had developed by this point from a simpler idea - lots of good lines along the way!


There were some good lines in this and there was a clear distinction between the two characters.

That last line is quality! It's a shame there wasn't room for it in the final edit.


It's a good idea but the punch doesn't quite punch. How about shortening it to:

Just dump it in the field for now then.

After all, the rest we know anyway.

Quote: swerytd @ April 22 2009, 9:12 AM BST

That last line is quality! It's a shame there wasn't room for it in the final edit.

Quote: David Bussell @ April 22 2009, 11:27 AM BST

It's a good idea but the punch doesn't quite punch. How about shortening it to:

Just dump it in the field for now then.

After all, the rest we know anyway.

Perfect example of how subjective comedy is!

Hmmm, nice basic premise but it doesn't really work for me. Know too much?

Christianity didn't arrive for at least 1,500 years after Stonehenge was built.

However builders' attitudes have probably been around longer so I think something good can be built on this premise. Don't waste it.


Quote: Tom G @ April 22 2009, 11:35 PM BST

Perfect example of how subjective comedy is!

True dat.

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