Wednesday 15th April 2009 6:52pm [Edited]
Royal Berkshire
69,993 posts
Quote: Renegade Carpark @ April 13 2009, 3:48 AM BST
Oh and I've also met Matthew Stott, David Bussell and Ben from this forum - they're not famous yet, but they will be.
Good God. It's like the foretelling of the apocalypse.
Quote: Maurice Minor @ April 13 2009, 10:17 AM BST
Joan Sims, Barbara Windsor, Prince Charles And Ernie Wise!!
Quote: Afinkawan @ April 13 2009, 2:07 PM BST
I served Rowan Atkinson with a coffee while he was filming Mr. Bean (I worked in the branch of Allders where he was looking for a frying pan to fit his fish).
Oooooo. Where's that?
Quote: Lee Henman @ April 13 2009, 4:54 PM BST
Do e-mails count? If so, me too. She is lovely.
Quote: Graham Bandage @ April 13 2009, 10:02 PM BST
I've met Ken Dodd a couple of times (fiercely intelligent, always on)
Aweeeeesome. Got contact details?
Quote: Timbo @ April 14 2009, 12:18 PM BST
I once got ratarsed with Damien McBride, who has suddenly become much more famous than I - or he - ever suspected.
Spill! How much of a c**t is he in real life?
Quote: Timbo @ April 14 2009, 10:53 PM BST
Switching on the telly I just had the shock of seeing a face that I had hoped never to see again... The Planners Are Coming. It seems one of my former colleagues has had a career change and on the back of it become a reality TV star.
Who's that then?