British Comedy Guide

Things that piss you off Page 419


Oh shuddup Zooo. You're a hottie and you know it! Gorgeous... or rather phwoargeous.

I refer you to this. ;)

Quote: Seefacts @ April 17 2009, 3:15 PM BST

I never trust what one women says about another's looks either.

Zooo are Ellie are both at an age that they're attractive no matter how odd their faces are. Everybody is attractive at that age. Fact.

*goes to Google ugly women between ages of 20 and 30*

Quote: zooo @ April 17 2009, 3:46 PM BST

*goes to Google ugly women between ages of 20 and 30*

They're all beautiful to me. Unimpressed

Quote: chipolata @ April 17 2009, 3:48 PM BST

They're all beautiful to me. Unimpressed

That's either a very nice sentiment about youth and beauty.

Or most likely you have limited standards and you drink too much alcohol.

Either way most women don't care...

In all seriousness, there are of course extremely beautiful people, with high cheekbones, big eyes and pouty lips. And these undoubtedly look even hotter in their late teens and early twenties. However, most people in their twenties do have a youthful glow which is attractive.

Quote: chipolata @ April 17 2009, 4:13 PM BST

In all seriousness, there are of course extremely beautiful people, with high cheekbones, big eyes and pouty lips. And these undoubtedly look even hotter in their late teens and early twenties. However, most people in their twenties do have a youthful glow which is attractive.

One word, sun beds.

He said youthful, not orange.

Right now, everything. :(

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ April 17 2009, 5:32 PM BST

Right now, everything. :(


*beats up everything for Scats*

Quote: Leevil @ April 17 2009, 5:33 PM BST

*beats up everything for Scats*

Including yourself? You mug!

When Scats is P.O. Someone needs to pay!

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