don rushmore
Thursday 16th April 2009 6:23pm
Handsome Boy Modelling School
3,333 posts
I've decided to post my comments under an alias for good reason. A few years ago, on a different forum, I did indeed post under my real name. To cut a long story short, some of my comments were taken out of context - and late one night, a brick was thrown through my living room window, with a note attached telling me exactly who it was from.
So now, with two young children in tow, I have decided to use a different name.
I don't know anyone on here personally, and I'm sure most of you are a great bunch - but there are nutters out there with access to this site and, therefore, I must put my family and their safety first. I might be acting a little too cautiously on this, but why take the risk?
As for this being a fun task: as a reader of the sketches (as opposed to being directly involved) the fun stopped for me when Craig Hosie decided to start calling me names. That's neither big nor clever, and I felt slightly embarrassed for you, young Craig.
Dolly, I understood the sketch perfectly - I just found it to be both unfunny and lazy, but maybe (as mentioned previously) it was because I'd already heard it elsewhere. I do disagree with you about the tough love thing in Critique - there really isn't any. People can post any old rot, and then sit back safe in the knowledge that their sketch or sitcom extract will be rewarded with sugary comments such as "Yeah, I quite enjoyed that, Sooty." regardless of whether the reader actually enjoyed it or not.
Clearly this whole affair has been blown out of proportion, but I'm a principled man who treats people with respect and would like to be shown that same respect in return.
But for the moment, I bid you all a fond farewell. ![;)](