Tuesday 7th April 2009 9:44pm
2,635 posts
You can probably find out more online; a lot of companies/publishers have guidelines you can check out. Sometimes they give timescales and OFTEN they say don't chase us up for at least a month or more! Failing that, you could ring the main office and enquire re. turnover/decision timescale.
It can help to check out websites and guidelines and make a quick enquiry call before you send. Establishing personal contact can help with chasing up. Always get the name of the person you speak to, whether Receptionist or MD.
Let's say you have the best idea ever for an article about dogs who make toast - a bit of research and a quick call to the right person could tell you that you are wasting your time because someone already came up with that idea, or yes please send it and do you have any photos to go with it etc.
Nothing wrong at all in sending direct to contacts via W&A, but sometimes a personal touch can make a difference and allow for a more professional approach.