Thursday 2nd April 2009 1:23am
1,356 posts
Quote: jacparov @ April 1 2009, 8:46 PM BST
I quite liked the piece overall and thought the ending was excellent.
On a more critcal note I had these observations, a couple of which have already been mentioned:
1. The spelling and general use of language needs tightening up. Also, the logic of some sentences needs looking at. e.g.
'They're sat about smoking and drinking coffee on mismatched stools and up-turned stacks of trays at the rear of a small delivery office.'
I think everyone knows what you're trying to communicate but it kind of suggests that they're smoking coffee and sat on both a stool and an up-turned tray.
2. The ages. I agree with Ben, most scripts, if they mention the age at all, will put it at the beginning. It's just a format thing.
3. Action. There isn't alot of action going on and what is isn't explained within the scene, e.g. why does Sue check her watch?(In terms of character, plot or atmosphere.)
4. Dialogue. I enjoyed the dialogue in the main but a few things got on my nerves, such as the constant use of 'ain't'. As well as things like 'with ya', 'n'that', "'avin a go'". I can see how these things help to give the characters an individual voice but it got on my nerves after a while.
5. Length of scene. It's ok I guess - I'm no expert - but you're already a good way into the length of the show and not much has happened.
Can I ask a question? What is the premise? the pitch of the show? e.g.
Blackadder the 2 might be. 'A courtier in the reign of queen liz the 1st, facing execution, ruin, desiese and stangely shaped turnips, looks out for number 1.' or whatever.
Cheers, many thanks for the read and comments 
1. Spelling, yes, I'll put my hands up (and have done) to the odd one, or two... three maybe.
You seem to genuinely believe people would read that as 'it kind of suggests that they're smoking coffee and sat on both a stool and an up-turned tray', lol, I trust you are having a laugh
2. Understand and it will be sorted, thank you.
3. Granted and has been mentioned by another via email. I'm still unsure if I should amend this or not as I did wish to create a slice of time in a postie's work day where they are not rushing about. They have done everything prior to this and are simply waiting for the nod to go out on delivery.
Re: Sue checking her watch... She clocks and observes (a bit of a busy body some might say) she's aware of the fact that Kim (Steve's wife) calls about that time of the morning... every morning.
4. Simply how people speak, not everyone says 'with you', 'and that' or 'having a go', they say 'with ya', 'n'that', 'avin a go.
5. Episode storyline is set and we've learned a little more about the characters and hopefully chuckled along the way. I must add I'm not into ramming home plot, plot, plot!
Love story 
Thanks once again, appreciated.