Wednesday 1st April 2009 1:42am
1,356 posts
Quote: Marc P @ March 31 2009, 8:53 PM BST
Or you have missed the plot.
Or this is a mock documentary, like the office, which unless I have missed the plot yours isn't.
Not being mean, but take on board what some reviewers say and if you think they know what they are talking about, which admittedly is a tough call, either agree with them or not, and I sympathise with the not, but there is little point debating or arguing your style of comedy. Sometimes you have to just put it out there. On a personal note, if it isn't story driven just observation based comedy - it's got to me more closely observed than most. That's a tough one to set yourself up against. Extremely tough. A knob gag is easy, a line that really delineates the human condition - not so.
And the format - 30 mins is sitcom. Three BIG laughs per minute and chuckles in between.

You have a way with words Mr. P, but then so you should 
It was your advice back in November last year that actually turned my idea around, then coupled with advice from Lee Henman which helped make it what it is, still unsure if its anything worth bothering with in the grand scale of things.