British Comedy Guide

What are you watching on TV? Page 754

Not as good as Carry on Cleo.

Quote: chipolata @ March 27 2009, 3:41 PM GMT

Anybody see The Mentalist last night? I missed it and was wondering whether it's worth catching up with?

It was okay, nothing great.

I was hoping for half Monk, half Jonathan Creek but it was a bit bland I thought.

Do give it a go though.

Quote: bigfella @ March 27 2009, 3:47 PM GMT

Didn't see it - any good?

It wasn't totally mind-blowing amazing, but if it's repeated then yeah, I would recommend watching it.

Pushing Daisies. Pleased


The Oxford/Cambridge boat race, apparently.

Not because I care about oary boaty types, but they are showing a lot of the lovely Thames.

You'll have to tell me who wins.

Or, actually, don't. I may actually die of boredom mid-sentence. ;)

Hee! I have already died. So no worries.


Any one see Lenny Henry on live at Apollo last night?

No, I avoided it Ooookaaaaay. ;)

Quote: Nil Putters @ March 29 2009, 4:58 PM BST

No, I avoided it Ooookaaaaay. ;)

Yeh I turned off after 5 mins. I was like watching your dad going up trying to do it, no offence to the guy or ought. Plus it was 15secs before he started doing Jamican accent.

Plus who ever fitted his suit should be shot.

He's just not funny. :)

Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets. I have a feeling I'll sit with my kids one day and they'll snort at the quality of the SFX...

That is when you smack them upside the head.

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