Friday 27th July 2007 9:10am
20,476 posts
Quote: zooo @ July 26, 2007, 4:23 PM
I know what you mean. Like all those ones about Australian backpackers, etc getting caught and tortured by mental blokes.
Yer we were shown where all the backpackers were picked up in Aus and killed...scared the crap out of us when we were there. There's loads of warnings about not hitching lifts etc. If anyone gets a chance read that book about that back packer...Peter Falconio (i think)...its a brilliant book about a backpacker who goes missing in the outback and you don't know who killed him - there's 3 things that could have happened...either a strange mysterious trucjy got him, his girlfriend had something to do with it, or he did a runner. All the strange evidence...and the police messed up loads. Very good book called Where's Peter?