Another one for me. I do wish they would spell my name right though!!!
Is it me or does this run seem to be changing a bit more than other runs?
Another one for me. I do wish they would spell my name right though!!!
Is it me or does this run seem to be changing a bit more than other runs?
Yeah, it's changing considerably every week.
Some runs are like that, but rare. The last one was the July/August 08 run.
Most runs are more rigid with only one or two changes a week that reflect breaking news.
Quote: Mikey Jackson @ March 20 2009, 2:29 AM GMTYour FIRST song at NR???? After all the songs you've written?
What have they been thinking???
I'd imagine they've been thinking other songs were funnier. They gave in eventually Between this and last week have broken my duck of sketches in TS and songs in NR so making progress
Yup, lots more requests this week, and not getting in the first week doesn't mean a long wait. Also getting something in means not sure it'll be back the next week
Robin Miller1Money Money Money
John Langford2Cricket Attack
Martin Malcolm3Horror Hospital
Tom johnstone4Right sir fred
Mikey Jackson5Satellite Link-Up
Robbie Dale6Jeremy Kyle
Dan Wright7V/O Michael Jackson
James witt8Thriller
Kerry Gooderson9Kilamanjaro Quickie
Mikey Jackson10Bank Loan
Tom johnstone11Come Fly With Me
Julie Bower12The Max Clifford Centre
Gary Beard13Masterchef
S hutchings H Cooke14Tax Cuts
James witt15British Gas
Robin Bailes16The Prince in the Rainforest
Tom johnstone17West Side Med
Martin malcolm18Fern Britton
Ross Salvage19UXM
James Witt and Gary Bainbridge20Jade Song
Jane Perrin and Kerry Torchia21Nigel Griffiths Sex Scandal
Kylie Butler22Eyebrows
James Witt23Love Machine
Martin malcolm24Google Street View
Damian Sandys25Obama Superstar
Martin Malcolm25aB.O Baracks
Martin malcolm26Abu
Chris Partlett27aBrucie / Thatcher / Parker V/O
D Payne, J Smales27Brucie/ Thatcher / Parker
Martin malcolm28V/O Kerry Katona
Martin Malcolm29Seal Sketch
Martin malcolm30BBC Appeal
Gordon Robertson31Scottish Smoking Offer
E parry & J Burton32Von Trapped V/O
E parry & J Burton33Von Trapped
S hutchings h cooke34V/O M&S
Robin Bailes35The Real IRA
James witt36ABBA Med
Woo hoo! Thanks Mikey. I sent in my first two (co-written) sketches this week and they used one. Beginners luck no doubt.
Well done to you though, an impressive number every week from what I've seen, and to Robin and anyone else from here.
Can I give up the day job now?
Well done Jane (and other)!
Where's Sooty's stuff gone? It used to just be forty sketches a week by him...
I haven't tried this in ages. Is the address still with a Tuesday deadline?
Send a sketch to that adress and ask for the current directors email.
Last 2 weeks? Going to pretty difficult.
And Swertyd got busy at work and had to choose between 118 and NR. 118 paid more.
Then got stuck into a couple of new projects (1 worked the Exeter radio thingy) others on hold.
May have another go but looks like competition is tougher than ever.
Woo hoo! Thanks Mikey. I sent in my first two (co-written) sketches this week and they used one. Beginners luck no doubt.
Well done. I think it's more on merit rather than luck.
Well done to you though, an impressive number every week from what I've seen, and to Robin and anyone else from here.
Now THAT must be luck. It's certainly NOT merit.
I've been most fortunate to have at least one sketch or song in every week since I started submitting to them last July.
Can I give up the day job now?
You won't be saying that when you get the pay cheque.
And Beelzebozo.
YES! It's still the same email.
And sootyj.
You need to make your comeback.
The show must miss your raw edginess.
Quote: Mikey Jackson @ March 29 2009, 1:41 PM BSTYou won't be saying that when you get the pay cheque.
There's a pay cheque? Think I'll frame it instead. Getting paid anything for goofing off is a result, as far as I'm concerned!
Well done Jane, adding to your hit rate! I think I scanned my first cheque!
Sooty, I'd always assumed you could knock out about 10 top sketches in barely more minutes (and a couple of experimental ones too). Anyhoo, sure your style still fits the bill for punchy topicality, even if you don't have the time for total domination
Well I fired a few off today, did send some a month or so ago but no luck.
Robin Miller1Money Money Money
Julie Spitler202 Sketch
Robbie Dale3Jeremy Kyle
Tom johnstone4Right sir fred
Mikey Jackson5Satellite Link-Up
Gordon Robertson6Netanyahu's driving lesson
Dan Wright7V/O Michael Jackson
James witt8Thriller
Mikey Jackson9Bank Loan
John langford10Porn Secretary
Martin Malcolm11BBC Appeal
Tom johnstone12Come Fly With Me
Julie bower13Max Clifford
Ben ricketts14Evolution of man
S hutchings H Cooke15Tax Cuts
Martin Malcolm16v/o barack flies in
James witt17British gas
Tom johnstone18West side med
John burns19Home sec husband quickie
Chris bartlett20Brucie / Thatcher / Parker V/O
D Payne, J Smales20abrucie / Thatcher / Parker
J witt. g bainbridge21Jade song
Paul bracken22Gordon and sarah
Kylie butler23Eyebrows
Kerry gooderson24Malawian girl
Gordon Robertson25Primary school networking
Damien sandys26Obama superstar
James witt26ab.o barackas
E parry & J Burton27Von Trapped
Gordon Robertson28v/o alan shearer
Gordon Robertson29Toxic sofas
Martin malcolm30Seal sketch
Tom johnstone31Quantitive easing
Martin Malcolm32G20 sketch
Gary beard33Masterchef
Joel soetendorp34Abortion
Martin Malcolm35Abu
S hutchings H Cooke36v/o m&s
Robbin bailes37The real ira
James witt38Abba med
Is there still time to submit before the deadline?
I got another one in!
Quote: Tom G @ April 2 2009, 8:34 PM BSTIs there still time to submit before the deadline?
I imagine it's too late. You may as well send it in though. You never know.